The well known Perseid meteor shower is predicted to peak on Friday night/Saturday morning August 12/13. This date is accurate for all areas of the world but the Far East, where observers in countries such as Japan may see similar rates on both the 12/13 and 13/14. Unfortunately the moon will be at its full phase and will be present in the sky the entire night. A full moon is so bright that the glare it produces will obscure all but the brighter meteors. Still, this display is so strong that one may see more activity with the moon present than on nearly all the other nights throughout the year, regardless of lunar conditions. The transparency of the atmosphere will play an important part in how much activity can be seen. Hazy and humid atmospheric conditions will spread the lunar glare and further reduce the meteor activity to be seen. Dry air is ideal so if you have the choice to view from mountain locations compared to lowlands, travel to the mountains!