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Feb 20, 2004
Pestletown, N.J.
No such thing as excessive force Bob.
Break the law and pay the price.
Ask Monica Seles if they should have used a little excessive force on someone who ran onto her court and stabbed her.
Assume nothing.


Sep 14, 2008
Cinnaminson, NJ
Bob & Scott, you both have very valid points. I happen to lean towards Scott's thinking myself. However, with one A-hole getting tazed, and the other not, it should make other A-holes think twice before they decide on running on the field. "Will I get tazed, or won't I?" Hmmm.......


Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
Bob & Scott, you both have very valid points. I happen to lean towards Scott's thinking myself. However, with one A-hole getting tazed, and the other not, it should make other A-holes think twice before they decide on running on the field. "Will I get tazed, or won't I?" Hmmm.......

The kid was only 17. I don't think I'd like my son getting tazed for pulling a stunt, no matter how much of a knuckleheaded thing I thought it was. People have died from getting tazed (sure there were usually aggravating factors that led to the death, but nonetheless).
Jul 12, 2006
Gloucester City, NJ
Sorry guys. He got what he deserved. It's that "aw, they're only kids" attitude that's driving this county to sh*t. What makes it worse is not that they're doing it, but many are accepting it. Talk about idiots, I guess you saw the copy-kat from the other night? Oh, that's right, "he's only middle-aged gent, with a record of prior charges, carrying pot with him while he'll pulled this stunt", but that's OK, he was only joking around, so all is well and should be forgiven.

Give me a friggin' break....................


Nov 5, 2008
Jersey Shore
30 days in the electric chair should cure them. Shouldn't we be a forgiving society and just fine them $100,000? I could use the help with my taxes.

Piney Boy

Sep 19, 2005
Williamstown, NJ
Perfect example of the "Me" generation striking again. There to see the ballgame? Fat chance between the distractions these days. I go to many ballgames during the season and CBP is becoming not such a fun destination. Ashburn Alley is crawling with drunks looking to become distractions to everyone around them. Cell phones usage is off the chart these days, and all fans have to listen to your next seat mates dates, dinner, work, etc, etc. No respect for anybody but themselves. The second moron who jumped on the field interrupts a Hamels full game for his own misguided selfish ego.
If I wanted to pay to see someone make a complete ignoramous of himself I'd watch Jack*ss, but I'm there to watch my beloved Phightins. The police did the right thing, this individuals intentions were not known and he got what he deserved. Heres an idea, go and have a blast at a ballgame and leave the ego's at the door so we all can enjoy a night out.........rant off
Go Phils!!!
Apr 6, 2004
Oh, c'mon, people! The whole stadium was loving every second of that stunt. That kid was an entertainer, and some fines would have taught him a "lesson". Oh, he broke the law! Give me a break. Should someone be tasered every time they get caught breaking the law? Scott, you better watch out next time you're drinking a beer in the Pines!

Seriously, the kid was a threat to no one except maybe for some of those fat cops who were chasing him. Wouldn't want one of them dropping dead from a heart attack now, would we?

Get a grip people.


Jan 16, 2008
Port Charlotte, Fl.
I think the kid got what he deserved. He knew it was against the law and even after his father told him no, he did it. I also think the excuse "he's just a kid" goes to show how good a job his parents did teaching him respect for the law. Would it have been better if some security guy tackled him and blew out his knee or he got cracked over the skull with a nightstick? Just put up signs saying "You will be tazered if enter the field of play." Just my opinion.
Go Phillies!


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Site Administrator
Jul 31, 2004
Ben's Branch, Stephen Creek
I have to agree - he got what he deserved, I have no sympathy for him. As Mayor Nutter said, "The officer used the taser, the young man stopped running, he walked off the field under his own power. End of incident."


Staff member
Site Administrator
Jul 31, 2004
Ben's Branch, Stephen Creek
Should someone be tasered every time they get caught breaking the law?

I think you're missing the point here. It's not that he broke the law, it's that he didn't stop when ordered to by the police. That is clearly something that you do at your own risk, knowing there could be serious consequences.
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Nov 5, 2008
Jersey Shore
Robin Roberts, the great Phillies pitcher of 1950's fame, died earlier today. He was 83. He played major league ball for 19 years and is in the Hall of fame. I have digital photo of each individual from the Whiz Kids of 1950.


Feb 20, 2004
Pestletown, N.J.
Should someone be tasered every time they get caught breaking the law? Scott, you better watch out next time you're drinking a beer in the pines

Tasers are not permitted for use by Law Enforcement personnel in NJ.
That's good for shitheads and bad for LE.

As for the Phillies clown, he got what he deserved.
I just wish it was the old time Philly cops. They would have taken him off the field, dusted him off and then beat him some more with a flashlight just for good measure.



Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
I think you're missing the point here. It's not that he broke the law, it's that he didn't stop when ordered to by the police. That is clearly something that you do at your own risk, knowing there could be serious consequences.

I'm not missing the point at all. What's next, a 22 rifle shot in the back of the head for running from the cops with a grin on your face? The punishment does not fit the crime. Even the Phillies Organization agrees with that.


Feb 18, 2008
SJ and SW FL
Rizzo was the man.
When I was a kid, an Italian friend of mine's parents kept a picture of Rizzo on top of the TV right next to the Pope.

Rizzo was the man! I'll never forget his response when asked about the death penalty being a deterrent he replied, "I know it deters at least one person at a time".
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