I'm looking for tips on how to photograph cellar holes.They always appear to look flat and it is hard to give a good perception of depth.I have several dozen cellar holes in nearby baileytown I'd like to photo and dozens elsewhere.Just found three beauties out to Dix WMA,two out of brick and foreign rock and one out of jersey sandstone.all these were from pre 1940 houses and there is one hose still satnding that was built in the 50's and now abandoned.
I know we have some top notch photographers on this site and am looking for pointers.never had much time for picture taking in the past.Was always exploring and depended on Whip for photos.Now with working shift work I am needing to learn this on my own.I googled for photo tips on cellar holes and fond nothing about how to,just a few good pics by people that obviously knew how to.
Thanks for any help.
for you bird photographers out there there are hawks and eagles out the wazoo at Dix right now and i ran up on a fox who took one look at my ugly arse and high tailed out of Dodge quick.
I know we have some top notch photographers on this site and am looking for pointers.never had much time for picture taking in the past.Was always exploring and depended on Whip for photos.Now with working shift work I am needing to learn this on my own.I googled for photo tips on cellar holes and fond nothing about how to,just a few good pics by people that obviously knew how to.
Thanks for any help.
for you bird photographers out there there are hawks and eagles out the wazoo at Dix right now and i ran up on a fox who took one look at my ugly arse and high tailed out of Dodge quick.