Several months ago I gained access to this site from the owner of the property containing at least a portion of the Friendship Village located west of former Sooy Place. The building in the pic was told to me to be the former head engineer's house/station for the mill in this location. It seems to be the only truly old bldg. left of Friendship. There are current buildings which the current owner uses for woodworking/commercial purposes and a camp next door which appear to have served for purposes dating beyond the camp but nowhere near as old as the one in the picture. Maybe the woodworking activities kept up after the original mill since these buildings appear to have had agricultural or commercial basis. There is the remants of an old bridge and a rebuilt pump house with piping northeast of the former engineer's house. The pond was drained at the time of my visit. According to the property owner, they are rebuilding the dam. Several turkey vultures flew out of a grove beneath the dam as I approached due to a possum carcass. I wanted to send this in in case this was of interest.
OK, can someone give me a tip on how to display the pic. The program doesn't want to show the whole URL. I know you guys have an internal gallery, should I use that?
OK, can someone give me a tip on how to display the pic. The program doesn't want to show the whole URL. I know you guys have an internal gallery, should I use that?