Pine Barren Exploring Trip


Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
On Saturday, 16 Feb at 8:30 AM the PBX crew has a trip planned to explore the headwaters of a river just east of Wharton State Forest. We have 9 of our crew signed up, so if there are 3 people out there on this forum that are interested, we'd love to have you along to see what a PBX trip is like.

As a rule, we usually do not follow trails or paths, so you would have to expect some heavy bushwacking and swamp stomping. A trip like this will take at least 5 hours...and I expect this one to take at least 6 because the distance is about 6.5 miles.

Almost to a man, we wear knee-high gum boots and brush pants. However, what you wear is up to you, but just so you are aware, you can expect heavy brush, perhaps briars, water up to mid calf at times, and pristine cedar swamps. On nearly 80% of our trips, we often have to get on our knees and crawl for very short distances to get under the briar and highbush blueberry. Not trying to scare you away...just giving you the facts so you can make up your own mind.

I'd like to keep this open to current forum members only. If interested send me a private message and copy Guy (Teegate). I have to cut it off at 12, since more that that puts a damper on the experience.

If you have any further questions, feel free to ask them in this thread, that way other prospects can see the answers.

Freezing, wet, nasty weather or deep snow will cancel this trip.


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
Remember, you had to have been a member when Bob posted the invite. And also remember that only you can come if Bob accepts you so don't bring a friend or family member.

I strongly suggest that if you come you wear or buy knee high boots as Bob mentioned.


Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
Will you be providing a hold harmless agreement and certificate of insurance for review by the participants' attorneys in advance of the hike ? ;)

Oh yes, I forgot. You will be asked to sign an agreement containing the following language:


I understand that participation in the trip may involve risks not found in other activities in and around the Pine Barrens. These risks include traveling in adverse plant growth conditions, local weather conditions, geography or terrain. To mitigate the same, I agree that I will purchase the Pine Barren Explorers travelers’ insurance to be in effect the entire length of the trip.

I understand it is my responsibility to have appropriate health coverage and proper clothing throughout the time I am involved with this trip.

I am responsible for consulting with a physician concerning my medical ability to complete said trip.

I understand and acknowledge that PBX does not assume responsibility or liability in whole or in part for any delays or changed departure or arrival times, sickness, injuries--including death, weather, or various acts dubiously attributed to God.

I agree to uphold standards appropriate to the cultural setting of the Pine Barrens. I will not piss off any pineys, hunters, crazy people, or interfere in any way if we come upon a person or persons in the act of burying somebody.

If PBX happens to trespass on private property, I will forever keep my big mouth shut about it.

PBX reserves the right to decline my right to come along based upon general appearance alone. Similarly, I understand that I may be required to leave the trip at the sole discretion of any one of the regular crew and find my own way to the nearest sand road.

General Release Waiver of Liability
By executing this acknowledgment, I understand that I waive all rights or claims against PBX or any crew member which may hereafter accrue to me, including but not limited to injury or death arising from my participation in this trip.

I hereby verify that I have read and understood this agreement and the risks involved in this trip.



Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
We never do finish a hike. At least that is what Jessica keeps telling me. :D


Dec 22, 2011
Oh yes, I forgot. You will be asked to sign an agreement containing the following language:

I agree to uphold standards appropriate to the cultural setting of the Pine Barrens. I will not piss off any pineys, hunters, crazy people, or interfere in any way if we come upon a person or persons in the act of burying somebody.

Can we bring our own people to be buried?


Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area

I'm sure you realize we don't actually have anything to sign John, but the way you word that may make others think we actually do.

I just want to be clear, there is no waiver you are asked to sign. Your being there is considered solely of your own free will, and any consequences you may suffer will be attributed solely to your choice to be there.

Pine Baron

Feb 23, 2008
Sandy Run
I'm sure you realize we don't actually have anything to sign John, but the way you word that may make others think we actually do.

Absolutely, Bob! I meant to put the :D after that statement in my post, but I forgot. I apologize if it came off that way and hope other folk don't take it too seriously. I really enjoyed the waiver. Your subtle humor was very obvious to me, but perhaps not so much to others.



Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
Absolutely, Bob! I meant to put the :D after that statement in my post, but I forgot. I apologize if it came off that way and hope other folk don't take it too seriously. I really enjoyed the waiver. Your subtle humor was very obvious to me, but perhaps not so much to others. John-


Old Crazy

Oct 13, 2007
Stinking Creek, NJ
BTW, I can testify that bushwhacking is more risky than walking a trail. I was hiking on Sunday night (yes, in the dark) and I decided go "off trail" and take a short cut back to my truck (you should not attempt this without a GPS) I didn't see a branch protruding up from a downed tree and tripped over it and slammed hard into the ground. When I got up I had a mouth full of blood and a torn rotator cuff in my right shoulder.