Pineland Fantasies?


May 25, 2004
Medford, NJ
How do you fantasize about the Barrens? When you paddle through a cove of pond lilies and blue flag, crystal blue sky overhead, and
swallows dipping down over your boat or red-winged blackbirds fluttering
near you, and off in the distance you can hear the rushing chute over
a beaver dam...what do you think of? Are you seized by the present
moment, a here-and-now epiphany, an immediate sense of the ubiquitous
divine, or do you wander back into the ancient past, imagining the long canoes of the Lenni Lenape traversing dark waters and sunlit swamp
maple glades? Or perhaps you go even farther back in time, imagining
receding glaciers etching out the watercourses, or submerged under
twenty feet of sea water a deceased shark losing its teeth in the sand?
Or do you, now and again, cast your feelings into the future? Does the
future seem as serene and beautiful as the present moment? When a
summer torrential downpour creates a heavy sheet of water all around
your boat, do you imagine the future. Is it all just rainbows after the
storm? Reverentially, Bill Wiegand


May 25, 2004
Medford, NJ
Which predominates, though?

:bear: Say, Behr 655, :bear: What's in that garbage can
for you? :bear: Is the can half empty? :bear: Is the can
half full? :bear: Do you hold back? :bear: Or dive right
in? :bear: Is there a tax refund in there, Behr? :bear:
Or a poem? :bear: Has the garbage can lid landed
evenly, Behr :bear: Or with a beautifully resounding
clang? :bear: Lots of different kinds of bears out there,
Behr 655.. :bear:
Which predominates, though?

mullicaman said:
:bear: Say, Behr 655, :bear: What's in that garbage can
for you? :bear: Is the can half empty? :bear: Is the can
half full? :bear: Do you hold back? :bear: Or dive right
in? :bear: Is there a tax refund in there, Behr? :bear:
Or a poem? :bear: Has the garbage can lid landed
evenly, Behr :bear: Or with a beautifully resounding
clang? :bear: Lots of different kinds of bears out there,
Behr 655.. :bear:

On second though I think you may have O.D'd :rolleyes: :D


May 25, 2004
Medford, NJ
Lo and behold! A River Clearing!

I just kayaked the Mullica from Atsion to Pleasant Mills
today. Someone, was it a canoe rental outfit, was it a
park ranger, chainsawed through a huge two foot diameter
elm or maple that had lain across the river since last year.
In fact, most of the strainers and blow-downs I encountered
two weeks ago when I ran the same section had been
chainsawed. You know what, I must be the Mister Roberts
of river clearings compared to these Arnold Schwarzeneggers,
who go in, unbeknownst to most of us, and DO THEIR THING.
Hah, what am I worried about?
Oh, yes, for you teacher bashers--I don't work in the summer
because it would put me in the highest tax bracket. It pays me
to take time off and kayak the Pinelands.


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
Lo and behold! A River Clearing!

mullicaman said:
Oh, yes, for you teacher bashers--I don't work in the summer
because it would put me in the highest tax bracket. It pays me
to take time off and kayak the Pinelands.

I was not bashing you. If I had two months off I would most likely be as thrilled as you seem to be having it off. Hence, O,D'ing on two months off.



May 25, 2004
Medford, NJ
O, Okay

We teachers can get a little paranoid, sorry.
About the Behr/bear thing. I haven't done
a lesson plan in weeks and I miss it. Got
to do something to keep the creative juices
flowing...writing is my gig, verstehst du?