Pinelands regenerating after major forest fire


Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
Here is the great dichotomy in the article:

"Two months after the wildfire, acres of lush green plant life had re-established itself where there was once nothing left....areas that looked like a dark and desolate desert of destruction a few days after the fire now look like an ocean of bright green,...."The forest is regenerating"


"An average of 1,500 wildfires damage or destroy 7,000 acres of New Jersey forests per year, according to the state Forest Fire Division's Web site."

You see, the mantra of the Forest Fire Division is "FIRE IS BAD.....STOP FIRE, IT DESTROYS THE PINES!".

Hmmm......:rolleyes: They just don't get it.

PS: did you know the DEP can summon any male person between the ages of eighteen and fifty, who may be within the jurisdiction of the state, to assist in extinguishing fires? ......Yes, they can.