Hi Jeff. Long time no see.
Your thinking is right on target. An interesting exercise is to try and identify everything in these photos. Most have to be based upon vegetative characteristics, so there could be an error or two. Some are a guess! In these photos we can see:
Lophiola aurea or Golden Crest
Pogonia ophioglossoides or Rose Pogonia
Eleocharis tuberculosa or Cone Spike Rush
Chamaecyparis thyoides or Atlantic White Cedar
Vaccinium macrocarpon or Cranberry
Oclemena nemoralis or Bog Aster
Nymphaea odorata or Bog Lily
Drosera rotundifolia or Round leaf sundew
Sabatia difformis or Lance-leaved gentian
Carex exilis or Coastal Plains Sedge
I'm stuck on that wide-leaf grass or sedge in the top of the first photo.