Pomeroy Crossroads


Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
bruset said:
I was out in the woods today exploring the Buckingham area, when I came across this marker in the woods:


Anyone have an idea what the signifigance of "Pomeroy Crossroads" is or who the NJHA are?

Ben, did you notice that there are 6 roads all meeting at that spot? There is, it is a unique crossroads. I think it has to do with fox hunters. Perhaps Pomeroy was one of them, and they all met there to chew the fat inbetween runs with their dogs?

NJ Hunters Assoc?
NJ Hounds Assoc?

Ben Ruset

Site Administrator
Oct 12, 2004
Monmouth County
Yup. I noticed the 6 crossroads One of them was really narrow - which I ended up taking, and it put me out by Pasadena - Mount Misery Rd. That eventually led me to Mt. Misery, past the retreat center and Rt. 70.

If you notice on the marker it seems to have a fox or some other animal being chased. To me it looks like a fox chasing a squirrel.

The marker is WELL built - it's basically an upside down T set in a base of solid concrete. It must have taken a lot of work to get it there.


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
bruset said:
I was able to find out what exactly Pomeroy Crossroads is.

Check out the article.
Interesting story Ben, thanks for sharing it! I will have to check that out the next time I am out that way. Unbelievably I have only been in the Lebanon State Forrest (That is the correct name as far as I am concerned) twice in my life. I did not find anything interesting there and avoided it, but this marker makes it worth the trip.


Ben Ruset

Site Administrator
Oct 12, 2004
Monmouth County
There isn't much there to talk about. I did see "Lebanon Glassworks" on a topo map, and there is a road called "Glassworks Road" so maybe that will be another spot to check out.

I think I've been in Lebanon State Forest more often that Wharton. (But then again, it's closer to me than Wharton is.)


I've been to Lebanon State Forest a few times. The last time I visited it I remember taking a nature trail, with a paper guide, around the lake/pond. It was off season, and the nature person wasn't there, but the rangers went out of their way to piece together a guide for me. It was a nice hike.

I also believe that Whitebog Village, that tribute to the cranberry industry, run by the New Jersey Conservation Foundation, is in Lebanon State Forest.

On the map, Savoy Road, which I entered from route 72 just before the railroad overpass, closely borders Lebanon on the south. I saw Mount Misery road near where Savoy Road crosses the tracks. Actually, I think I saw it two places the day I visited Woodmansie. Maybe someday I'll follow Mt Misery road. It would be good to head to higher, dryer ground. Besides, I like hills. I assume, given the name "Mount", that the road leads to a hill.

Ben Ruset

Site Administrator
Oct 12, 2004
Monmouth County
Actually, no. Mount Misery is pretty flat, and only has a Methodist Retreat Center. Mount Misery is closer to Rt. 70 than it is to Pasadena.

Mt. Misery-Pasadena Rd., which intersects Pasadena Road at Bullock is a little-used trail that leads up near Rt. 70. I took my old Bronco up it once and only discovered a trail that got REALLY narrow and an abandoned hunting cabin that looks like it had been built by the state.

I might drive up that road again once the weather gets warmer, Jeff. I'f you would like to come along, I will let you know when I decide to go.


Thanks for the offer, Ben, but I am a little disappointed to learn that Mount Misery is flat, not a mount at all. It doesn't seem to be worth a trip. I wouldn't go there just because it is there.

I found on a trail map of Lebanon State Forest Trail System a trail that goes to Mount Misery. In fact, it is called THE MOUNT MISERY TRAIL. It's guite a hike to Mount Misery on the trail from any official parking spots.

BTW, the name change of Lebanon State Forest indicates a sort of historical revisionist mentality amounst certain policitians, where they erase people and ideas that came before them so people forget and push themselves into the limelight because they believe the world begins and ends with them, much like Joseph Stalin did.


Staff member
Site Administrator
Jul 31, 2004
Ben's Branch, Stephen Creek
According to Google, take your pick:

New Jersey Hospital Association
New Jersey Homeschool Association
New Jersey Housing Authority
National Junior Horticultural Association
Norco Junior Horsemens Association
Novations/J. Howard Associates


Mar 10, 2005
Pinewald, NJ
pomeroy crossroads was named after donald pomeroy, who died while fox hunting in the area. he lost control of his truck and hit a pine tree. the marker was put there by his friends and the nj sporting dogs association as a rememberence and so people would start to use the name pomeroy crossroads insted of 5 corners. donalds funeral was held in lebanon state forest, the service was held at the rye strips with all of his fox hounds in attendence. n.j.h.a new jersey hunting dog association which was later chaged to sporting dog association. all this is covered in a book called chaseworld foxhunting and storytelling in new jersey's pine barrens. by mary t. huffod. bens story link probably said the same thing, I was unable to read it the link set me to the home page. does any body remember the njn documentary about foxhunting in the pines it aired in the late 80's.


Mar 10, 2005
Pinewald, NJ
wow, I think I found out why I couldn't read ben story link, didn't look at the date of the start of the thread, I'd say it was a while ago.