My daughter hates it because the games she has won't play on it. They play on my Mac in XP. Any suggestions?
Just a suggestion, i just upgraded my graphics card from a BFG 6200 OC to an Asus 250 GTS it now plays all my games including Crysis at 1600 by 1020, one game that i have is MLB2K9, it would hardly play on my old Graphics Card with a frame rate of 7 FPS, frame rates with the new card even on Crysis is 30 frames per second, i was thinking of buying a new motherboard to be able to SLI, two cards which have to be the same configuration would increase Graphics performance an additional 28 %.
Amazingly my daughter has a new Hewlitt Packard with Vista Home Premium, the MLB 2k9 game on her computer is slower that my computer, she has 3Gb of Ram compared to my 2 GB, it hardly plays, with Vista compared to XP to play games you need more RAM, a faster processor, and of course one of today's new Graphics Cards.
I bought the Asus video card from Newegg for $139.99 with a $25.00 mail in rebate to Asus, and of course free shipping, i say upgrade definitely to a better video card.
Crysis is a very demanding game on one's computer, as with any game, anything below 20 FPS is mostly hangups and other problems.