Questionable behavoir by a birder


Oct 17, 2007
Atl. Co. near the ocean
I regularly read the ABA bird sighting list for NJ. Recently there was a post by a birder who while at Cape May Point birding, came across the biggest black rat snake he's ever seen, over 6' long. So, he draped it around his neck and took some"sweet" pictures then let it go "safely" as he put it. He also said he "caught" a "gorgeous" No. water snake " I feel his handling of the snakes was definitely wrong, and he should be told to keep his damn hands off the wildlife.


Aug 12, 2005
camden county
I think I may know the person you are describing. There was also another guy, maybe same person who had a rattlesnake pinned and holding its tail in front of its face screaming at it like it was a microphone. I reported that person to fish and game.


Staff member
Site Administrator
Jul 31, 2004
Ben's Branch, Stephen Creek
he should be told to keep his damn hands off the wildlife.

I often see pictures from long-time members of the site holding snakes they find in the pines. Personally, I wouldn't touch a snake - I don't like them. But I'm curious where one draws the line?


Mar 24, 2004
Coastal NJ
I regularly read the ABA bird sighting list for NJ. Recently there was a post by a birder who while at Cape May Point birding, came across the biggest black rat snake he's ever seen, over 6' long. So, he draped it around his neck and took some"sweet" pictures then let it go "safely" as he put it. He also said he "caught" a "gorgeous" No. water snake " I feel his handling of the snakes was definitely wrong, and he should be told to keep his damn hands off the wildlife.

You can certainly respond to his post and educate him and other readers of those posts. Did you?


Apr 4, 2011
From the sounds of this fellow, I have an idea of who he is... DragonCJO beat me to it. He is one of those people who's ego is fed by upsetting others and being outrageous. I would like to use another more descriptive adjective but I want to be respectful towards others on the forum.


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
To me picking up a turtle is the same as picking up a snake. I pick up turtles all the time and there is nothing wrong with that. However, if I took them, sold them or otherwise harass them that is a different story. Putting them around ones neck is going a bit far but I would consider that poor judgement.
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Jul 20, 2003
millville nj
I of course have a story about putting a snake around ones neck.I was fourteen way back in 78 . I had caught a 6.5 ft pine snake up in the Maurice river swamp and being a fourteen year old kid I took it home to show the friends and family.Now before anyone starts hyperventilating the next day i took it back and released it where I caught it.Well not quite where I caught it.It was within 30 ft of 55 where I caught it so i took it back in the swamp a little further hoping it wouldn't get run over but it probably did now that I know the den was across the road.I was showing the snake to Mom and Pop and had it draped around my neck.The snake was quite cold.I let it wrap around my neck because it appeared to appreciate the heat.The snake was about as thick as my wrist.It gradually kept getting tighter and tighter and the next thing i knew I couldn't breather properly.I panicked and ran to Mom to get it off.I tried to pull straight out on it but the snake was too s
trong for that.Mom who was not afraid of snakes but thought I was joking ignored me.Dad on the other hand told my Mom Lord woman his face is turning purple and he quickly grabbed the tail and unwrapped the snake which is what i should have done but I panicked.So this snake was definitely harassing me.That was the closes I came to death by snake,even closer then the rattlers I"ve handled.I really don't think either one of us,me or the snake became psychologically disturbed from the encounter,The snake was fine afterwards and i was born this way.
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May 18, 2009
port republic
The questionable behavior is in fact illegal. You need a permit to handle or possess most non game species. the are exemptions, garter snakes, fence lizards and box turtles are some of the exemptions. none of the larger snakes are exempt. leave them alone. take the pictures where you find them.


May 18, 2009
port republic
In 78 I was an undergrad at Stockton, and the herpetology prof had a permit for pine snakes back then. I do believe we peed freely in the pines however, without a permit :)


Jul 20, 2003
millville nj
a permit for what?Keeping them or touching them? I have a little outlaw that lives down the street from me.A fourteen year old but he looks eleven,very small.He brings me snakes to identify for him all summer.He is a snake fiend.He is now learning his species very well.I told him have fun now,in four years they'll fine him for that.Heck i could probably be fined for not reporting a snake molester.


Jul 20, 2003
millville nj
Now I did have a bad experience handling a wild bird and my little brother were acnoeing up the Maurice river (Tidewater) and pulled over to a bluff I often found arrowheads along the top of and down along the bank at low tide.The top was now someones yard so we stayed down along the bank where they couldn't see us.We ran into a Ring billed Gull that was obviously injured .Couldn't fly and could barely run.I coralled it in a cul de sac of roots and picked it up and was holding it discussing with Brother what to do with it.he was perhaps twelve and wanted it saved.I knew this was unlikely but didn't want to seem indifferent so i was considering taking it home and looking up a rehabilitator when My brother said whats wrong with it? I looked down and it's head was hanging straight down.Obviously it had literally dropped dead in my hands.I checked my armpits and they were okay so i assume literally fear had killed it.I was going to lay it on the beach but brother wanted it buried,he was afraid a coon would eat it.I told him i don't think it would mind. (I am fairly indifferent to dead bodies)So we buried it in the sand.probably took the coon 30 seconds to dig it up.I think birds must be much more sensitive then snakes.never had a snake do that,they generally just crap on me.


Mar 24, 2004
Coastal NJ
I have no problem in folks getting up close and personal with critters to educate themselves, but the a-hole referred to by Arey is just that. I, and others, know of him, and he has a habit of doing show-off stuff. He has a rep. The folks running the Hawk Watch should have reported him, hopefully they did. Personally, I let critters be and never pick them up. Leaving our scent on them, especially young ones is most likely the kiss of death for them, reps excluded. I do make an exception for birds that strike our house windows. If they are stunned I cover them with a basket to give them time to recover. Usually there is a blue jay hanging around to make an easy meal of it, the basket protects them from that and gives them some time to recover, or pass on peacefully.

This is what was posted on the birding list, at his Flickr link he has quite a few rattler photo's.

"Non-bird related, I caught the most gorgeous Northern Watersnake I've ever seen
along the trails in the State Park and a HUGE Black Rat Snake at Bunker Pond,
easily 6 ft. Some of the patrons at the hawkwatch were able to see through
their scopes and bins me wearing the rat snake around my neck as I posed for a
sweet photo before safely releasing it.
Photos of the day can be seen here :"
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Jul 20, 2003
millville nj
Larry Bird? I thought He was a Hoop Shooter? I know what you mean about our scent being the kiss of death.I"ve come in after being in the swamp and sweating all day and my wife has said" What are you trying to do? Kill me? Get a shower!