Rainy day search, and possible info on Hampton Gate


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002

Since the weather was poor I decided to stick close to the main dirt roads, and went looking for markers that I recently found some info on. Our first quest was to find the Batsto Azimuth Mark which has not been reported on since 1957. It was searched for in 1995 and not found after a quarter hour search.

Using the info I just acquired, Jessica found it within one minute.


From there we traveled to Iron Pipe road to look for two inscribed stones called the "Sooy" stones which I could not find. For some reason GPS reception was really poor today. I will have to return later.

From there we looked for and found an old township stone near Devious. It has what appears to be a letter inscribed in the top of it, but I was not able to decided what it was.


It had been checked on most likely in the past few years, and look what they did to the pine trees near it which seems unnecessary. Sorry the photo is blurry. The stone is on the left in the middle of the photo.


And we then found a Shamong/Medford township marker.


Changing the subject somewhat, I MAY and I repeat MAY have some info on Hampton Gate, possibly even 2 iron rails that were from there, and still located there. Then again I may be wrong. I will keep you informed in the next month on what I have found.

I also might have some other cool info which I will share with all of you when and if it comes to light. I am confident that some will, but as with the Sooy stones, time and vandals may have taken their toll.



Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
JerseyJim said:
you go Guy, finding that missing marker, you have the nose of a Blood Hound

I have another Azimuth I am looking for at a different location. I realized recently that I was looking on the wrong side of the road a few years ago when I was there. Duh!

It also was summer and the vegetation was thick. Now will be a better time to look.

Thanks for the compliment Jim, but Jessica found it. I can't take the credit. :)
