Hi, and thanks for visiting the NJPineBarrens.com (NJPB for short) forums. Since you're reading this message, you're probably considering signing up for an account here. That's great, we love new people! Before you go ahead and register, there are a few things that you should keep in mind:
I understand that the internet of today is not what it was back in 1995, and that you worry about being spammed. We won't spam you. You're not signed up on any newsletters, nor do I sell my member list to anybody. The site itself is not commercially driven so you should rest assured that we're not going to spam you.
2) If you do sign up, join the community! There really is no sense in making an account if you don't use it, since all of our main forums are accessible to guests. I purge accounts that have not posted anything every so often for security purposes. Your account will be deleted if you do not post.
3) Respect the rules and the other posters. We're generally happy to help and share knowledge, but understand that this forum is made up of people who have a hobby, and sometimes real life demands that we're not able to answer questions as fast as you may like.
Also understand that the general culture of this forum membership frowns on giving out exact locations to many sites, especially to new members. Please don't get mad if you don't get the information that you're after. Join the community, earn some trust and respect, and you'll be amazed at the information that you'll learn.
3a) This is not a "Weird NJ" type board. While we do sometimes entertain discussion on certain "paranormal" topics, this site deals more with the history and nature of the Pine Barrens. Posting a "Weird NJ" type of message will likely get you laughed at and your post deleted. There are many fine boards that deal with the type of material that WNJ readers seem to like.
4) Be aware that everything that you do on the board is logged. Not to sound ominous, but this is directed to the .01% of people who are up to no good.
5) If you haven't already, visit our homepage at http://www.njpinebarrens.com for more information, articles, downloads, etc.
6) HAVE FUN! That's why we're all here.
I understand that the internet of today is not what it was back in 1995, and that you worry about being spammed. We won't spam you. You're not signed up on any newsletters, nor do I sell my member list to anybody. The site itself is not commercially driven so you should rest assured that we're not going to spam you.
2) If you do sign up, join the community! There really is no sense in making an account if you don't use it, since all of our main forums are accessible to guests. I purge accounts that have not posted anything every so often for security purposes. Your account will be deleted if you do not post.
3) Respect the rules and the other posters. We're generally happy to help and share knowledge, but understand that this forum is made up of people who have a hobby, and sometimes real life demands that we're not able to answer questions as fast as you may like.
Also understand that the general culture of this forum membership frowns on giving out exact locations to many sites, especially to new members. Please don't get mad if you don't get the information that you're after. Join the community, earn some trust and respect, and you'll be amazed at the information that you'll learn.
3a) This is not a "Weird NJ" type board. While we do sometimes entertain discussion on certain "paranormal" topics, this site deals more with the history and nature of the Pine Barrens. Posting a "Weird NJ" type of message will likely get you laughed at and your post deleted. There are many fine boards that deal with the type of material that WNJ readers seem to like.
4) Be aware that everything that you do on the board is logged. Not to sound ominous, but this is directed to the .01% of people who are up to no good.
5) If you haven't already, visit our homepage at http://www.njpinebarrens.com for more information, articles, downloads, etc.
6) HAVE FUN! That's why we're all here.