Reptiles and Amphibians of the Pine Barrens


New Member
Aug 12, 2007
Hey Everyone,
I'm new to this forum, and am planning my first trip down to the NJ Pine Barrens for the end of this week. My friends and I are students, I am studying herpetology (the scientific study of reptiles and amphibians), and my friends are in various other majors, but enjoy field herping (ie looking for reptiles and amphibians in the wild) as well. I understand you may be very cautious about localities, and I am just as cautious with localities I know of. I also noticed the thread with concerns about snake den locations being too specific, I support that, and agree that it is a mistake to post precise locations for anyone pull up and read, and possibly go collect. I am against private collection, and have no reason whatsoever to take any animals I find out of the wild. I simply want to find them, take a few photographs where I find them, then let them go on about their way.
That being said, I was hoping some of you here might be able to give me some information on where might be good spots to find reptiles and amphibians in southern New Jersey. I hope you are cautious about this, but I do not want to collect any animals, I only want to find them and take photographs. We are particularly interested in finding Pine Snakes, Kingsnakes, Corn Snakes, Hognose Snakes, Timber Rattlesnakes, Scarlet Snakes, and any lizards, although we would really appreciate any locality information you can give us. We’d also like to find Red and Mud Salamanders, Four-toed Salamanders, and Pine Barrens Tree frogs (although this is the wrong time of year for the tree frogs). If you could either send me a private message, or an e-mail ( with any locality information you can give us, we greatly appreciate it. I will be happy to post photographs of our finds when we return. Again, thank you for any information you can provide us on where to find reptiles and amphibians.


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
Welcome to the site.

As you mentioned it is the policy of this site to not give out locations on the forums. I want to believe that the members would also do the same with an email or PM. Since you are a student of herpetology you should have a general idea of where they would be, so there would be no need for anyone to pass that info on. And part of the fun is finding these locations on your own. So come visit the pines and if you feel up to it we would love to see your photo’s. And you can be assured that the next time you come the creatures you mentioned will still be there and alive where you can possibly find them again.

Good Luck!
