Return To Cumberland County

Oct 25, 2006

Last Thursday, me and my friend George returned to Cumberland County to explore some more historic sites in the County, we left home at 7:00A.M. and arrived in the Millville area at 8:10 A.M. to meet up with Manumuskin (Al) who was our guide.

Our first place to visit was the West Creek Church and Baptist Cemetery founded in 1792 located on Rt.347, i always passed by this hallowed ground on the way to Wildwood but never stopped to check out the place.

Do not confuse this name of West Creek with the Town of West Creek North of Tuckerton on Rt.9. Here is a pic of the Cemetery.

After checking out the names and dates on the Stones, it was then time to visit the site of Hunters Mills and a Furnace that i have never heard of called Concord Furnca, a brief history of Concord Furnace can be found on another Pine Barrens website.

The following is a pic of a Stone and a Monument straddled side by side that Al showed us on the way to Hunters Mills.

The following pics will show slag, bricks and other remains of the Hunters Mills-Concord Furnace area.


On this pic which show the remains of bricks, as what was found all day, i did not find on them any visible signs of who manufactured the bricks.

The remains of a raceway.

The following three pics will also show other features that we viewed in the area early in the day.



Upon leaving the area we then went to see a few Monuments, it seems the Surveyors were out in the area recently as quite of few Monuments and Stones were staked out. The following two pics will show what i just stated.


The following pic is of the Cumberland United Methodist Church which on my last outing with Al i stated that the graveyard had abut 20 iron grave markers in the Cemetery, the Church did not fit entirely into the pic, i had to go to the East bound lanes of Rt.49 and about a third of the Church is still missing from the pic.

We then went to view another Monument in the area.

Upon leaving the area, Al then directed us to the sites of the Eli Budd and Wesley Budd Grist Mill and the Forge sites. The following is a history of the Furnace, Forge and Grist Mills in the area.

A few pics of the Grist Mill site, notice the clam shells and bricks scattered about, no manufacturing name were found also on these bricks.

Remains of a chimney at the Grist Mill site.

We then left the area to see the site of the Forge, a pic of a real nice Stone that Al led us to.

Another Stone that Al showed us.

We then moved on to the site of the Forge, on the way we found what appears to be the site of an abandoned Gun Club, notice the burnt wood, the vandals had their fun again.

A few pics of the Forge site, notice the remains.

Another view of the area.

Upon leaving the Forge site, the trail going out to where i parked the Jeep, i took the following pic of the numerous slag and anthracite coal that was on the trail.

We then left the area to view more Stones that are depicted on the Hartman Maps, here are some pics of Stones that AL led us to view. Notice the x on the top of the Stone.

We then went to see the second Stone, Al leading the way of course. Another nice Stone in the area.

The following three pics are of another Stone, and two pics of Scott Line monuments, notice the very legible name on the second Scott Line Stone.



One thing that i would like to mention, Al and Guy viewed 99% of the Stones that Al showed us last Thursday back last Summer, there is no way i could have viewed these Stones during the Summer months, with all the growth and vegetation, cat brier etc., i am now giving a Winter perspective on the viewing of these Stones which is more to my liking, no way in 100 degree heat, kudos to the both of you.

The following will show the remainder of the Stones that Al led us to last Thursday, there are quite a few to view yet.

Another Monument.

Stone time again.



A real interesting find on this one.

Pics of the last three Stones.

A pic of the Menantico Stone.

Notice the DL on this last Stone, it stands for David Lore who owned property in the Cumberland County area.

After viewing the last Stone it was time to head for home, i took Al back to his house, and not in a rush to get back home, i took Rt.47, which was the slowest way to get back home, we just wanted to enjoy the scenery of the different small Towns and not get back home until dark, no friend's house in Tabernacle, we were exhausted, but what a rewarding day, and a big thank you to Al. We had one harrowing moment when i for the first time i misjudged the depth of an iced up washout, i had to put the Jeep in 4 low to escape that one. Another all day spent in the woods, sunup to sundown.

In closing, only 180 miles on the odometer last Thursday, not 254 like the last outing with Al. we covered an area from Woodbine, Port Elizabeth, Vineland, Cumberland, and Millville. I hope to visit Clark's Grist Mill and other venues on my next trip to Cumberland County.



Jul 20, 2003
millville nj

Last Thursday, me and my friend George returned to Cumberland County to explore some more historic sites in the County, we left home at 7:00A.M. and arrived in the Millville area at 8:10 A.M. to meet up with Manumuskin (Al) who was our guide.


Ok Jim you asked for an ID of the stones so here goes. The first stone (third pic down) is a stone in woodbine placed I have no idea when but no doubt prior to the concrete monument next to it.five pics below that is a stone that has been knocked flat in roadside mowing operations and has scrapes from the mower on it.This stone is near a location that shows a stone but could not be plotted accurately due to lack of info on the map.I do believe this to be a survey stone but am not entirely sure.8 pics below that is the infamous preacher stone placed not really sure when but it appears to be quite ancient.It is a society stone,Guy would probably know when that line was surveyed,I don't know but their are rumors that the stone actually predates that line.Who would place it there other then a surveyor?I don't know so i doubt that it predates the society line survey.The rock next to it was probably broken off by frost wedging and does appear to fit the back side of the stone.Two stones were listed on the hartman maps which were drawn up in the 70"s so it was split before then.the next pic is a stone that was located by Kendawg several years ago when he and i were looking for the preacher stone.We actually thought we had found the preacher stone and never seeing a pic of it didn't know how big it really was.On a later return trip to show the stone to whipoorbill we accidently ran into the real preacher stone.I have dubbed the small stone the KEN stone.Five pics below that is the has recently been surveyed and still has a magic marker X on top.It is along the survey of Eli Budd's property from the early 1800's as are the rest of the stones we went too. Guy plotted the keystone and I took his coords and went and found it so he gets the credit for this one.the next stone is a stone i plotted myself and so i am extremely proud of this one,as a matter of fact i dislocated my shoulder on site from patting myself on the back.Of course without Guy giving the rundown on how to plot this would never have happened.The next pic is the Bogstone,plotted by Guy found by me.After the two concretesthe next pic is stone 81 and it is the first stone I plotted myself.i was so excited i called Guy at work and almost got him in trouble.He realized at this point he had created a stone monster.The concretes are scott line markers.If i remember correctly kendawg showed me the first two.then i followed the line creted by these two and found three more further south.this was about maybe five years ago.ok the next stone is 79.I plotted it and couldn't find it.Guy plotted it and fell about 30 ft east of where I him and jess went back and Jess walked right up to it while i was rechecking my old plot.This is a Jess stone.The next stone is 80.I have known of this stone since a I was a youngun roaming these woods in the 80's.I had alwyas wondered what it was standing there so defiantly over the years.Many stories circualte around here of old single gravestones lost in the woods.I think these stories often come from people stumbling on old survey stones such as this one.This is the stone that started us on the conquest of the Budd stones as soon as we figured out which one it was.The stone is bigger then it is the next one which is 78 and also affectionately known as the quarry hill stone.This one was plotted by Guy and me.The first time he plotted it and I went out aND FOUND NOTING.Then we both plotted it and my coords fell about 100 ft east of his.So we went out and checked both coords and found we went back and replotted with me falling east of his him and jess looked all over both coords and found nothing.On the way back out we headed east and about 60 or 80 ft east of my coords I almost walked into it.So it was further east then either of us plotted.i believe this caused us to adjust our declination we had been using.the next stones are a mystery.There is supposed to be two stones about 70 ft apart the one the northernmost being the 'K' stone.we never found the K stone but the stone south of it had two stones as can bee seen and the larger one has an X inscribed in top by surveyors which may have been mistaken by hartman fo a K and he may have made a mistake remembering two stones being separated but they are actually together or else one may have been moved over to the other later.The next is 75 which is listed as one stone but is actually two. Then the next stone is unrelated to the Budd survey.It is the menantico stone and is in endanger of extinction if a proposed evelopment should go through it may well wipe this stone out which is a lost stone because it no longer marks a porperty boundary but is in the middle of ACE property.And last but not least is the DL stone which is a lost stone as far as i can tell.We know their is probably more stones to this survey but i had a very poor map for this stone and i found it by sheer luck since it couldn't be plotted i put a bandana around my eyes turned incircles three times and headed off into the woods and bumped into it.Actually it really was an educated guess and i did walk right up to it.If it had of been in the swamp i'd never have found it.
Oct 25, 2006
Thanks Al for the Stone info, my favorite Stone definitely is the Preacher's Stone. Had a great time last Thursday.



Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
You can learn quite a bit from Al.

Nice report Jim.

Oct 25, 2006
You can learn quite a bit from Al.

Nice report Jim.



It's a good thing to get stoned in the woods.:D


A few Stone questions ?

On pics 11,12, and 14, there are blue and yellow circular discs in the center of the monuments with numbers on them, are those like a database for surveyors to identify where they are located ?

Also, there is an X located in the center on the Monument on pic 23, is that a current or old surveyor mark ? Why was it put there ?

Do you have any info on who Scott was and the line surveyed by him ?

Al is the man to go to for Cumberland County info, a Webster's book of knowledge.



Jul 20, 2003
millville nj
You guys went out and got good and stoned!


I don't do that either Bob:) But as a youngun i was a great fan of sneaking up on beer parties in the woods and shooting them up with paint balls out of a wrist rocket(much quieter) and watching them go hysterical trying to figure out why they were bleeding(red paint balls) and being attacked.Busted up quite a few parties back in the day.Use get mudded up and crawl through the woods and see what I could get into:)
Too fat to run now so I lay off the war party thing now.never got my butt whooped but did come close a few times,back then I was fast,REAL fast.
Oct 25, 2006
I don't do that either Bob:) But as a youngun i was a great fan of sneaking up on beer parties in the woods and shooting them up with paint balls out of a wrist rocket(much quieter) and watching them go hysterical trying to figure out why they were bleeding(red paint balls) and being attacked.Busted up quite a few parties back in the day.Use get mudded up and crawl through the woods and see what I could get into:)
Too fat to run now so I lay off the war party thing now.never got my butt whooped but did come close a few times,back then I was fast,REAL fast.


You are still very fast in the woods, you move like a gazelle.

Guy's the main man when it comes to plotting, he's 99.9% dead on.

Oct 25, 2006
I don't do that either Bob:) But as a youngun i was a great fan of sneaking up on beer parties in the woods and shooting them up with paint balls out of a wrist rocket(much quieter) and watching them go hysterical trying to figure out why they were bleeding(red paint balls) and being attacked.Busted up quite a few parties back in the day.Use get mudded up and crawl through the woods and see what I could get into:)
Too fat to run now so I lay off the war party thing now.never got my butt whooped but did come close a few times,back then I was fast,REAL fast.

A camera taking pics of those people faces would have been a lifetime memory.


Above is a history of Port Elizabeth that i found on the Library Of Congress website, it mentions a Lore's Wharf.

Also, i have found two cemeteries in your area, one in Newport where the most Lore's are interred, a David Lore is interred here, and other Lore members, including another David at Mt.Pleasant in Millville.

Here are the links for the cemeteries.

Currently i am trying to research to find if either one of them owned the property where you showed me the Stone.

Could the above genealogy website be our man.

Also, one of the Rev.Becks books that i do not have, The Roads Of Home mentions on page 219 that David Lore was a proprietor of a store in Port Elizabeth.



Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002

On pics 11,12, and 14, there are blue and yellow circular discs in the center of the monuments with numbers on them, are those like a database for surveyors to identify where they are located ?

Also, there is an X located in the center on the Monument on pic 23, is that a current or old surveyor mark ? Why was it put there ?


That is the point that the surveyor measures from.



Feb 20, 2004
Pestletown, N.J.
The numbers within the disc constitute the surveyor's license number.
For about the last 25 years, corner markers set by us, including rebar and monuments, have to have the name of the firm or individual on them and must include the license number of the surveyor in responsible charge of the work.
Oct 25, 2006
The numbers within the disc constitute the surveyor's license number.
For about the last 25 years, corner markers set by us, including rebar and monuments, have to have the name of the firm or individual on them and must include the license number of the surveyor in responsible charge of the work.

Thanks for the info Scott. Was the Scott line named after you ? :)



Nov 8, 2004
Near Mt. Misery
I don't do that either Bob:) But as a youngun i was a great fan of sneaking up on beer parties in the woods and shooting them up with paint balls out of a wrist rocket(much quieter) and watching them go hysterical trying to figure out why they were bleeding(red paint balls) and being attacked.Busted up quite a few parties back in the day.Use get mudded up and crawl through the woods and see what I could get into:)
Too fat to run now so I lay off the war party thing now.never got my butt whooped but did come close a few times,back then I was fast,REAL fast.

Sure, it was all fun and games for you but I'll have you know it took weeks for Bob to wash that paint out of his hair and it never came out of his suede fringed jacket!!