Al, Marvin and I spent the cold and dreary day wandering portions of the Wading River, plus Shane and Skit branches. Al spent most of his effort seeking high ground solitude locations and markers, Marvin for anarchistic weaponry, and I wanted pretty things to photograph. This would be the final Tuesday trip for at least a few weeks, so we made the most of the subpar conditions.
Wading River and environs ...

We would repeatedly leave and revisit the rivers.

Marvin was in a sour mood most of the day, and would soon be excused (see below). However, he, at this point, reluctantly posed.

After wandering the Wading, we decided to take the spaceship (Marvin drove) to Skit Branch, but opted to first stopover and refuel in Friendship.

Marv inspects his damage.

Alfie wanders and wonders about my choice of friends.

After shooting this photograph, I pushed Marvin off the bridge and into Shane Branch. Al and I then walked to Skit Branch.

Light was seriously waning by this time of the day, and, as if the dreariness of the day wasn't challenge enough, shooting became even more difficult.

Al takes the "Can I eat a raw cranberry and keep a straight face" test. You be the judge...

Beaver dam...

One last look...

Go time.

Thanks for looking,