this thread has been a good discussion and it will definitely make me think about where i put caches in the future. i do have a cache inside some ruins, but they're not historical (a recently-burned down log cabin). i don't see as much of a problem with putting caches in recent ruins and abandoned sites as with historical ruins. i definitely see the point being made, because it would only take one ignorant cacher looking for patio materials to completely destroy some of these ruins. that's why i think if caches are placed near these places, they should as least contain information about what the place is and why it's historically significant. i think it's horrible that sue had to ask here what those ruins were; the owner of that cache should be responsible for telling visitors at least that much! the cache at hampton furnace, which is called "a good foundation," mentions nothing about hampton furnace! it's obvious the cache placer himself didn't know about the site...he says in the cache info "A rock wall in the NJ pines? Give and take and log your visit. Face North from the middle, you'll look up from within."
also, looking at the pics of this cache, i do see at least two people who drove right up next to the wall where the cache is placed.
i'm not sure if i think caches should be completely banned from these areas, but they shouldn't be on the sites themselves and the owner should damn well do their research and know what site they're jeopardizing and inform cachers what the place is and why it deserves their respect.
the most recent example i can remember of one of these "cool places" getting plundered is the stone living room up in north jersey. regretfully, i never made it up that way to see in before somebody decided to tear it apart and smash the stones it was built with. i always noticed the stone living room when it turned up on sites like stu's and weird nj and really looked forward to going there that day will never come :-( well if i remember correctly it's been partially rebuilt so i may see it yet but not in its original glory. anybody know if there was a cache on/near the stone living room? i know reading that there had been a logbook there for some time, but i think that was a non-caching logbook ;-)