All members please read and understand this. If a photo is not yours or you do not have permission to post the photo on this site please do not post it. You can still add the photo to your post by linking to the photo. All photos from other sites are property of that site unless they or the owner of the photo tells you otherwise. If you have any questions please ask.
If the photo is yours or you have permission to post it your post could look similar to this.
Here is the photo I want you to see.
All members please read and understand this. If a photo is not yours or you do not have permission to post the photo on this site please do not post it. You can still add the photo to your post by linking to the photo. All photos from other sites are property of that site unless they or the owner of the photo tells you otherwise. If you have any questions please ask.
If the photo is yours or you have permission to post it your post could look similar to this.
Here is the photo I want you to see.
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