Sand operation could yield fracking riches


Apr 4, 2011
There is only one company listed, as a supplier of proppants in New Jersey, and that company is Asbury Graphite Mills. However, many companies already established in the state, such as Santrol, Promex Ceramics, and US Silica are suppliers of such products. I would believe, since there is a market for silica proppants, that sand from the state is already being shipped across our borders. I am aware of the fact that the article is focusing on the sale of A&H, but there isn't any difference if sand is removed for filtration, construction, or proppants. Mining is mining. I would pay attention more to how the sands are labeled. The word fracking now has some negative meaning behind it. Proppant silica, resin coated sand, and whole grain quartz proppant sound much better to the general public, even though they mean the same as fracking sand.


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Jul 31, 2004
Ben's Branch, Stephen Creek
Thanks Gibby for doing a little research and posting something on-topic and intelligent.
there isn't any difference if sand is removed for filtration, construction, or proppants. Mining is mining.

That was also the point I was trying to make before the thread started falling apart. And I think the parts of the pines that can be mined for sand are pretty limited. OTOH there are some huge operations in Cumberland and Salem County that are outside the pinelands preserve.

Somehow the thought that we could face a "sand shortage" in the future due to fracking is a little hard for me to imagine. But I've been known to be wrong before. :)


Apr 4, 2011
Boyd, exactly. A short term boost in production would hopefully benefit the economy. How long could the extra mining possibly last, until the process of fracking is banned entirely? I highly doubt that the supply of sand would be depleted. Maybe the grade necessary for proppants will be mined out, but not the others.