Sandy Ridge

How many times can you drive past something without noticing it? The answer....................hundreds.
Today, while driving down Carenza Rd towards Friendship, I saw this ruin, seen at the below link:
I have driven pasts this so many times and never saw it before. Last fall I actually was doing some exploring in that area. I had seen on an old topo that there had been a settlement or property there called Sandy Ridge. On todays topos the area is called Sandy Ridge and there is a bog there. And yet I could not find then what I found by chance today.
The foundation is stone and about 30% intact. Just a little off from the foundation was the column that had threaded rods in it that were bent over. I don't know what this was for. I was on a mission so I did not explore the area further.



I thought I mentioned Sandy Ridge in my post about Sue and her father. She grew up in Friendship (her father moved the family out in 1965 and they were the last family to leave). Her father grew up in Sandy Ridge.
What I didn't post about yet is the fact that Sue took me to Sandy Ridge last weekend, I think Sunday. Her father had shown it to her when she was a kid and she remembered where it was. We saw the cellar hole in your pictures and some others including foundations with slab floors. As you say, it was under my nose all this time and I didn't know. Neat stuff.
I will be adding more pictures to Sue's gallery tonight, including pictures that show her house and the school in Friendship. The school was long closed when she was there. She went to school in Green Bank and rode the school bus all the way there, down the road from Friendship to Speedwell and then down 563. What a ride that must have been.


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
There are a few spots along there that on the Cook maps show the same type of look as other places in the pines that had towns such as Union and ROG. So there may be many more like that there that would be interesting to look for. Nice find!
