From the petition wording:
"The proposed development pushes right up to the edge of what the Pinelands Commission will allow in proximity to wetlands."
So, where is the problem here?
"NJ’s Affordable Housing Laws specify that at least 20% of all “for-sale” homes need to be affordable as well as 15% of all rental homes, but the developer has negotiated a lower percentage and is seeking an exemption from including any units in the first phase of development."
I thought you were a preservation organization. Why do you care about this. It's not your fight.
"Citizens have voiced....worries of empty grocery store shelves in the singular Acme in town."
Sure, sure. Browns Mills is not a food desert. Are you saying a few more seniors will clean the shelves? This is a ridiculous comment.
"The development proposed as part of the Lakehurst Road redevelopment plan is for age-restricted single-family homes, in which owners must be 55+ years old, but other residents in the home just need to be at least 18 years old. "
Again, not your fight.