saw my first pine snake


New Member
Feb 23, 2010
well almost 3 years since moving to the pines i saw my first pine snake. i was jogging with my dog on my normal run and noticed a car swurve irractically about 150ft in front of me, i wasnt sure why the car did that but noticed something in the road, i picked up the pace and made it to this beautiful pine snake. what a great experience to see this snake in the wild, i've been told by friends that years ago these snakes were a dime a dozen. this snake was approx. 5-6ft long and appeared very healthy. me and my lab glanced at her for about a minute and watched her disappear into the woods. for some odd reason i left my cell phone at home and did not get any pics, but it was definetly a pine snake, really beautiful colors too. kudos to the car for not smashing this snake too. now i just wanna see a rattlesnake and i will be happy. i've been petrified of snakes my whole life and with help from this site and some local herps i think my fobia is gone. i realized snakes are more scared of us than we are of them so i want to learn as much about them as possible. thanks


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
Nice story! You are right, the driver acted responsibly and did the right thing. Glad you let us know about this. Just don't get too comfortable around them, they still can give you a nice bite.



Jul 20, 2003
millville nj
Most pine snakes are great bluffsters.They hiss very loudly,will rear up in the strike position and strike with great vogor with mouth closed but that is most pine snakes.the occasional snake can be quite nasty.I have met two pine snakes in my life out of dozens handled and have had only teo bite me and yes Guy is right,they can be quite large and give you quite the gash for a local snake.Python and boa bites are much nastier since their teeth curve backwards and they have two rows but for a loca snake a pine snake packs a punch when it does choose to bite.


Jan 2, 2003
Most pine snakes are great bluffsters.They hiss very loudly,will rear up in the strike position and strike with great vogor with mouth closed but that is most pine snakes.the occasional snake can be quite nasty.I have met two pine snakes in my life out of dozens handled and have had only teo bite me and yes Guy is right,they can be quite large and give you quite the gash for a local snake.Python and boa bites are much nastier since their teeth curve backwards and they have two rows but for a loca snake a pine snake packs a punch when it does choose to bite.

It's ben a good summer for pine snakes. We saw this one crossing the road on July 24th, but made it to the woods before I could get my camera out. It was about 6 foot long and looked very healthy.

This one is from Aug 4th many miles away. It shook it's tail at me and it ratteled the dry leaves.