At times there was some serious swamp stomping on a last minute outing today with bobpbx as we looked for various plants in a particular area of interest. We met at 9AM and in the following 4 hours we saw these.
Cow Wheat (Melampyrum lineare)
Bob found this species of Bladderwort that may or may not be rare.
St. Johns Wort (Hypericum virginicum)
Indian Pipe [Monotropa uniflora}
Jessica along one of the swamps.
This is an interesting photo. This tree fell over for some reason, and in the roots you can see a very old downed tree that was trapped under it for many years.
Jessica fell in quite a few times and this photo shows somewhat of what she looked like. As we have discussed before there are hidden holes in this type of swamp where one misstep can have you disappear, never to be found again. She fell into one and I had to hold her arms to keep her from going deeper. I pulled and pulled and in the end she had to fight her way out.
This is a nice area of Twig Rush (Cladium mariscoides)
And a Rose Pogonia Orchid (Pogonia ophioglossoides)
There were plenty to be found.
At times there was some serious swamp stomping on a last minute outing today with bobpbx as we looked for various plants in a particular area of interest. We met at 9AM and in the following 4 hours we saw these.
Cow Wheat (Melampyrum lineare)
Bob found this species of Bladderwort that may or may not be rare.
St. Johns Wort (Hypericum virginicum)
Indian Pipe [Monotropa uniflora}
Jessica along one of the swamps.
This is an interesting photo. This tree fell over for some reason, and in the roots you can see a very old downed tree that was trapped under it for many years.
Jessica fell in quite a few times and this photo shows somewhat of what she looked like. As we have discussed before there are hidden holes in this type of swamp where one misstep can have you disappear, never to be found again. She fell into one and I had to hold her arms to keep her from going deeper. I pulled and pulled and in the end she had to fight her way out.
This is a nice area of Twig Rush (Cladium mariscoides)
And a Rose Pogonia Orchid (Pogonia ophioglossoides)
There were plenty to be found.