Small Tavern/Restaurant looking for skilled Bartender (Chatsworth, NJ)


Feb 18, 2008
SJ and SW FL
I think this is a pretty hysterical perspective to think that this inauguration will lead us like lemmings into the sea. And actually, it's pretty offensive, too.

Apparently you and Furball1 have different political views, but I don't see anything offensive in his views, he offers a distrust and fear of the changes that Obama has pledged to bring upon the country. Time will tell which opinion proves to be the better.
Just my point of view, no sides taken.


Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
His $150 million crowning is the beginning of the end my friends, and an indication of where we will be going. We're in for a rough ride I'm afraid.

Thats funny, I felt the exact same way when George Bush sent Henry Paulsen and Dick Cheney over to the Congress like whipped dogs to ask for $750 billion dollars to bail out the sacred free market banks that the conservatives so revere as the answer to all our problems. Word on the street is they can't understand what really happened to the first $350 billion.