Smart Phone app - "Pocket Ranger"- NJ State Parks & Forests


New Member
Feb 12, 2012
Southern NJ
I'm not sure how many folks on this site have a Smart Phone, and/or what brand/provider - however, for those of you who do have an iPhone, I came across a very detailed and high quality app for those who like to explore NJ.

It is called:

Pocket Ranger
"The Official Guide for NJ State Parks & Forests Guide"

This ap is FREE. It contains a WEALTH of info, so much that I cannot possibly list all of it's features and/or contents in this thread!

It *may* be available for the Android phones as well, however, since I'm not an Android user, I cannot verify this for you folks...

Here's a brief synopsis of some of the contents contained within the app:

Photo capabilities (meaning, you can take pics and upload them)
you can find places near you
NJ State Parks & Forests are listed
NJ Historic sites are listed
GPS mapping features
You can look up by activity, by region or by category
News & Alerts
Friend Finder
NJ Rules & Regulations
Facebook/Twitter buttons
Geocaching features
"Alert" - if in the event of an Emergency while out exploring, you click the "Alert" button for Emergency Assistance

I mean, there's so many features - the details used, the features and the content are just outstanding for a free app... The app constantly updates it's content every time you open or use it. It's the perfect app for those who want to explore more, or for those who are experienced explorers of the NJ Parks & Forests.

I hope the above is helpful!
