So you're by yourself on your birthday?

Sue Gremlin

Sep 13, 2005
Vicksburg, Michigan
I am a moderator on a fairly large, longstanding dating advice forum that has its roots in online dating, and we do just that sort of thing--we help people spiff up their online profiles and help people gain some perspective. I won't be so rude as to post the URL here without the admin's permission, but if you want it, you can PM me. :)
The most common advice we give people is to do the things YOU like to do. If you like cooking, take a class. Biking? Join a bike club. Skiing? You got it. Always wanted to learn to scuba dive? There's no time like the present. What have you always wanted to do? It's a great way to have fun, expand your horizons, and meet like-minded people (yes, some of them women) at the same time.


Nov 8, 2004
Near Mt. Misery
bobpbx said:
And the all time worst phrase is..."not into head games". What the heck is a head game? I assume its guys who just try for the sex. If so, just say so!

Good point Bob. What is a head game? I always thought it was when you tried to manipulate the other persons emotions in a relationship. Like make them jeolous or keep them second guessing you instead of being truthful and just saying what you mean. Maybe I'm way off on this. Does anybody really know what a head game is?


Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
woodjin said:
Good point Bob. What is a head game? I always thought it was when you tried to manipulate the other persons emotions in a relationship. Like make them jeolous or keep them second guessing you instead of being truthful and just saying what you mean. Maybe I'm way off on this. Does anybody really know what a head game is?

Oh, wait Jeff, I think I know what a head game is!
