Soccer at Tuckahoe Turf


Feb 20, 2004
Pestletown, N.J.
Wow. Who knew the PPA had such distorted views of reality ?

From the linked article:
"Carleton Montgomery, preservation alliance executive director, views the commission agreement with the Tuckahoe Turf Farm a violation of both farmland deed restrictions and the Pinelands master plan.

"No one else was asking for field sports, but they could now,” Montgomery said.

He said the scale of the tournaments being held from spring to fall also “raises serious concerns" about the long-term impact on farmland.

"They park thousands of cars and have thousands of people there using land on an intensive basis,” he added.

Thousands of cars and thousands of people ? Intensive use ? Then again, people sitting on blankets watching their kids play soccer is pretty intensive use.
Maybe the PPA should step out of their bubble and stop down see the operations sometime.


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
We really need to see the end of the PPA. I wonder if they or their kids ever played sports. Did they touch the ground when doing so?


Mar 5, 2012
Atco, NJ
I was following this before it got passed. To the best of my knowledge the only opponents were the PPA, I could be wrong. I was glad it passed. I would think helping any existing active farms in the pines should be encouraged. Any farm left fallow too long soon becomes the next subdivision.
Their same complaints could be used against farms with corn mazes and vineyards with their festivals. Farmers should be able to supliment their income to preserve open space.
With the new housing market down it appears the PPA has to demonize off-road enthusiasts, geocachers and now soccer moms with their mall crawlers.


Feb 20, 2004
Pestletown, N.J.
If the PPA were true tree-hugging environmentalists, they should be more rabidly crazed over the 700 acre monoculture, which is Tuckahoe Turf Farms. After all, as any pimple faced college freshman learns in Ecology 101, nature abhors a monoculture, just as it does a vacuum.

Certainly, let's not talk about what it takes from an herbicide and fertilizer perspective to maintain such a healthy 700 acre monoculture. No. Instead, let's focus on the evils of a dual use of the land that allows people to enjoy one of the widest open spaces in Southern New Jersey while their kids enjoy some physical exercise away from the X-Box.

Personally, I love the property and enjoy driving the windswept grounds in winter along the public dirt roads that transect it. I am glad to see the family succeed in keeping their business alive in this creative way..


Feb 20, 2004
Pestletown, N.J.
I remember it too. My parents subscribed when I was a kid and I had a 50 house evening delivery route for awhile. Collecting on Friday night was the worst part of the job. I wouldn't get done until 8 o'clock at night. My best customer was a guy who was always hammered. He would just keep handing me money and laughing the whole time.

Now I just read the free online version. You have to deal with the surveys and getting booted out after reading 8 articles.
Just clear your cookies and your in again.


Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
Is it the go-to paper for West Jersey? I used to be a paper boy too, spent all the money on pinball, 45 records, and Mallo cups. My paper route was (I think) the Philadelphia Inquirer. Is the Burlington County Times still around? That is the one I'm most familiar with.

I subscribe to the NY Times online, but would like to subscribe to some more local stuff without the daily fight you go through Scott.


Staff member
Site Administrator
Jul 31, 2004
Ben's Branch, Stephen Creek
I have no use for the Courier Post. For about 15 years years one of their critics wrote incredibly biased, nasty reviews of the work of me and my friends because he had a personal beef against my boss. Requests to have someone else review our work were repeatedly rejected, in spite of his clear bias. Meanwhile, a well respected national publication that he also wrote for replaced him since the pattern was so obvious.

Like they say, "living well is the best revenge"… he is no longer with us and me and my friends are still here. :)


Feb 20, 2004
Pestletown, N.J.
Is it the go-to paper for West Jersey?
I subscribe to the NY Times online, but would like to subscribe to some more local stuff without the daily fight you go through Scott.
It is certainly not a quality paper Bob. I mainly check it out in the morning to make sure my house didn't burn down the night before. As Boyd experienced, they were a notoriously slanted paper. The quality of writing today is all over the place.
A co-worker gets the print version and I am shocked at how small a current Courier Post is. Nothing like the logs that I had to fling from my Schwinn Paper Boy up onto a porch !


Mar 5, 2012
Atco, NJ
I always had the Courier delivered until about 6 years ago. When the days that I wouldn't receive it until after I left for work became common I threatened to cancel. They put me on "priority" which worked for a bit. Then I would not get it for an entire day and then get two the next day (one being the previous day's paper:bang:). It's good for local news and that's about it.


Jan 5, 2009
Richland, NJ
I would read the Courier Post when environmental writer Larry Hajna was present, even though that paper really didn’t cover Atlantic County. He left in 2006 to become NJ DEP’s Press Officer. Sadly, it is increasingly difficult to find local papers that have critical-thinking reporters who cover Pinelands protection issues. Others now gone and missed include Jack Kaskey (Press of Atlantic City) and Kirk Moore (Asbury Park Press).