some new Batsto river footage posted as part of Pines film project


Jul 20, 2003
millville nj
Nice video and tunes.Looks like you started at the upper end of Batsto lake. I know there are temperature layers in lake but I didn't know there were layers in the moving streams.I have also fell in or in my younger days went swimming on purpose in winter and those streams feel right down numbing all the way to the bottom as far as I could tell. I do know that in fall and spring many lake layers actually flip and reverse themselves in spring due to the surface eventually getting colder then the deeper water then sinking and causing a flip.Also if you haven't been swimming yet in a barrens crik in summer pick one with black water like the tulpe and feel the water,it is actually silky,makes your skin feel soft too,you also will look hairy when you come out from the bits of muck clinging to your body hair.I think this is where the legend of Sasquatch originally came from :)
What is the vid going to be about?Ecology?History?Geology ?or a little bit of everything?


Nov 14, 2011
Nice video and tunes.Looks like you started at the upper end of Batsto lake. I know there are temperature layers in lake but I didn't know there were layers in the moving streams.I have also fell in or in my younger days went swimming on purpose in winter and those streams feel right down numbing all the way to the bottom as far as I could tell. I do know that in fall and spring many lake layers actually flip and reverse themselves in spring due to the surface eventually getting colder then the deeper water then sinking and causing a flip.Also if you haven't been swimming yet in a barrens crik in summer pick one with black water like the tulpe and feel the water,it is actually silky,makes your skin feel soft too,you also will look hairy when you come out from the bits of muck clinging to your body hair.I think this is where the legend of Sasquatch originally came from :)
What is the vid going to be about?Ecology?History?Geology ?or a little bit of everything?

Hi Al. Thanks. I didn't know about the river flipping like that. That's really interesting. I'm looking forward to swimming in the Pines when the weather gets warmer again. That will make up for the not so enjoyable dip that I took about a month ago.
The film is part travel journal, part surreal dream, part storytelling. It's a folding of my experiences together storytelling through interviews, folklore and the mystery that the Pines naturally exude. It's sort of a documentary through expedition and interpretation.


Nov 14, 2011
Hi Al. Thanks. I didn't know about the river flipping like that. That's really interesting. I'm looking forward to swimming in the Pines when the weather gets warmer again. That will make up for the not so enjoyable dip that I took about a month ago.
The film is part travel journal, part surreal dream, part storytelling. It's a folding of my experiences together storytelling through interviews, folklore and the mystery that the Pines naturally exude. It's sort of a documentary through expedition and interpretation.
Of course, the history and ecology of the Pine Barrens all factor into this and I'm trying to immerse myself in it as much as I can.


Jul 20, 2003
millville nj
I think you did a grand job of immersing yourself :) Hope you didn't ruin a lot of expensive equipment.We all take a dunk once in awhile.Were you over your head? probably not if you were in Batsto lake. I've fallen through the ice a couple times in my life.Once over my head,kinda scary but gets the adrenalin pumping too.I was a skinny kid.Would never be able to haul myself out now.I'd have to become an ice breaker till I got to shallow water.


Nov 14, 2011
It wasn't over my head. I was fairly close to land. In fact I stood in the water for a few minutes as I unloaded all of my equipment from my kayak into Allen's. A couple of lenses didn't survive but none were very valuable. The camera which is very valuable didn't survive but I had it covered for accidental damage. It's been month without it so far though. Other than that I had some audio equipment that stopped working but after sitting in a bag of rice for about a week, they all came back to life. So all in all, it wasn't so bad. I'm going to try to not repeat it none the less.


Jul 20, 2003
millville nj
I have dropped gps's and cell phones into the drink.The gps took it like a champ and kept running but the cell went schizo.I had to pop the battery out to keep it fro buzzing.It took a week for it to dry out at first the sims came back but it would not call out,then a few days later it came totally back to life.I heard about the rice trick later,My buddy Whip lost a video camera in the tulpe.I actually believe that water comes up and steals electronic devices from you and makes you think you dropped it.


Apr 4, 2011
Thank you, for giving us a glimpse of your project. I enjoyed it very much and it has a good artistic feel to the imagery. I must say, watching it gave me the same feeling I have when I'm on the water - very well done. The loss of the camera is terrible, but the results are worth it. Next trip give ziplock bags a try.:) (For some reason, before I turned the volume up, the song Traveling Riverside Blues popped into my head.)


Nov 14, 2011
Right, I forgot that my phone was lost as well. The rice trick is a good one. I really considered those things lost for about a week. One was my digital audio recorder which is not a cheap piece of gear. Somehow, the footage on the SD cards both in the camera and in my pocket survived. The last clip where the camera went under was corrupted so I didn't have that. The clips did act a little weird when editing but I can't be sure if that was because the cards were under water. The short piece that I posted is a 2 minute version of about 8 minutes of good footage from the day. Mostly it was all too shaky, poorly exposed or out of focus but now I know that I can't shoot and row a kayak at the same time - this is important to know.


Nov 14, 2011
Thank you, for giving us a glimpse of your project. I enjoyed it very much and it has a good artistic feel to the imagery. I must say, watching it gave me the same feeling I have when I'm on the water - very well done. The loss of the camera is terrible, but the results are worth it. Next trip give ziplock bags a try.:) (For some reason, before I turned the volume up, the song Traveling Riverside Blues popped into my head.)
Thanks Gibby. I'll remember to bring a bunch of ziplocks next time I go out there. The only thing that could have saved the camera would have been an under water housing but that is out of my budget for the time being. If I'm lucky I will try to borrow one for the summer and get underwater intentionally.


Jan 25, 2008
Browns Mills
Oops, Allen made a minor mistake with the scientific name of the White Fringed orchid(blephariglottis instead of ophioglossoides)


Nov 14, 2011
Hmmm. That is upland in that link. Oh well, since you don't mention the location in the video, it doesn't matter.
yeah, i just looked at the satellite view and it doesn't look right. I'll find out where it was and post the right location. It's a great little spot.


Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
yeah, i just looked at the satellite view and it doesn't look right. I'll find out where it was and post the right location. It's a great little spot.

Yes, check it out. I have a strong feeling you were right here...about 5 miles south of intersecion of 70 and 539.



Jan 25, 2008
Browns Mills
What gives you that notion Bob? The streambed? I'll probably run into Allen at the next Phila. Botanical Club meeting and talk with him, if he isn't out of state that is.