Sorry conditions off Jackson Rd


Sep 10, 2008
I found a pile of trash off Atsoin Rd. Sunday evening. Going towards the lake it was in the woods on a road just past Indian Mills Club. It would have been easier to let the trashman take it from the curb than to haul it there and dump it.

mudboy dave

Oct 15, 2008
me and about 20 other vehicles hit the pole lines acroass from cedar run yesterday for the cleanup. Every vehicle was packed including mostly everyone had stuff strapped to their roof. We did this twice completing halfway down the powerlines. collecting everything from regular cans and bottles to a huge pile of asbestos siding, to regular household trash. Also found a pretty neat foundation back there as well about 100 so yards of the polelines. feels good to be part of the largest cleanup in the pinebarrens once again, and to be able to drive down the trails again without looking at trash. I'll post all 60 some pics in the "pinebarrens cleanup" sticky.


New Member
It seems I am a little late for this post...I live on Jackson Rd. about 2 miles before the dirt rd. I think it is awesome you guys went back their and helped clean up. I put in my share of cleanup back their and it was bad. Their was so much trash and "dumping" areas that a cleanup group was necessary as you guys so graciously did... Kind of off topic, does anyone in Medford or near Jackson rd. know of the old lady who walks the length of jackson rd. to get grocery's all the way up to murphys market every week? She lives in that small shack on the dirt rd. at the bend. She is a true Piney!


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
It seems I am a little late for this post...I live on Jackson Rd. about 2 miles before the dirt rd. I think it is awesome you guys went back their and helped clean up. I put in my share of cleanup back their and it was bad. Their was so much trash and "dumping" areas that a cleanup group was necessary as you guys so graciously did... Kind of off topic, does anyone in Medford or near Jackson rd. know of the old lady who walks the length of jackson rd. to get grocery's all the way up to murphys market every week? She lives in that small shack on the dirt rd. at the bend. She is a true Piney!

She lives on the curve where it is not paved? She walks all the way to the Murphy's by 206? If so, she is more than a true Piney! I just checked and that is over 10 miles each way.



Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
I forgot about that one. Anyway, it is a long way.



Aug 12, 2005
camden county
I've never met the lady that lives there but I've met her husband(i guess) and dog(black lab). The husband from my conversations with him was a Doctor, he owns a good chunk of property .25 mile each way from their house and back. The husband who is at least in his late 80's is a real interesting and incredibly nice man. I was on his property one day looking for reptiles not realizing he owned the land. We talked at length about him and his nephew finding timber rattlesnakes(30 years ago) and other critters on his property, and he gave me full access to his grounds(pretty nice). He was one of the first people to find a rattlesnake back there and turned it over to Roger Conant, director of the Philadelphia Zoo. Unfortunately that record never ended up in the states database and as a result of this the 'Sanctuary' was built. I know the husband drives a car as I've seen him driving to church on Sunday's. One kind of sad/funny thing did occur when I was talking to him. He told me he was in negotiations to sell his land to the state for preservation. I thanked him for doing this and he emphatically stated that he wouldn't sell the land to any developer, even if he was offered a half million dollars.....I hate to tell him but the land is worth much more than that. It was a real unique experience talking to him though, you have a beatiful pine forest there wedged in Marlton, its like a time warp driving down that one time his house was in the middle of nowhere, now it is only a few miles from the land of McMansions. Has anyone seen the husband? I should drop by that way sometime, before the land and him meets their fate just like the doomed rattlesnake population there.
Nov 18, 2008
Erial, NJ
I just wanted to share my insight on the dumping of trash. I don't know if anyone else has ever noticed, but since townships and borough's have implemented giving out their own trash cans littering and dumping has become more frequent. The problem is that the town or borough only gives out one trash can owned by them, you have to purchase any additional cans. Their reason behind this!?!? The truck is operated by one person cutting manpower down and saving the town money. So now the homeowner is left with trying to figure out where to place all of thier garbage because it won't fit into the town provided can.