Speed Bump


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
Nobody benefits from them. We all pay taxes to have our roads repaired so that we have a smooth ride down them. Then some curmudgeon comes up with the idea to build a mountain in the road.

Someone will be driving there at night and run over that at high speed and loose control. Maybe not today or tomorrow but they will. I stop at the hot dog stand all the time and I will keep my ears open as to what the people around me say about them. You hear quite a bit standing in line there.



Staff member
Site Administrator
Jul 31, 2004
Ben's Branch, Stephen Creek
I finally went through Chatsworth and saw the speed bumps. I found them mildly annoying, but not really such a big deal. Obviously people were not respecting the speed limit through town and this is how the residents reacted.


Feb 18, 2008
SJ and SW FL
I work with a life long resident of Chatsworth who told me they are very happy with the speed bumps. That area is a town center for them and there is a lot of local activity near the hot dog stand, fire house and the White Horse Inn. With all of the people crossing the road, speeders became a real problem and placing a police presence there simply was not going to happen.
I don't think that the bumps are very bad, only a slight grade and probably not even half the height of the speed hills placed in Mount Holly!


Mar 24, 2004
Coastal NJ
Nobody benefits from them. We all pay taxes to have our roads repaired so that we have a smooth ride down them. Then some curmudgeon comes up with the idea to build a mountain in the road.

Someone will be driving there at night and run over that at high speed and loose control. Maybe not today or tomorrow but they will. I stop at the hot dog stand all the time and I will keep my ears open as to what the people around me say about them. You hear quite a bit standing in line there.


It matters little what the non-residents opinions are. They do not live there. If that someone driving at night obeys the posted speed limit they will not lose control. I have hit bigger pot holes than those bumps :eek:


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
Your opinion.

Chatsworth has always had things going on in that area and all was well then so what it the problem now? I see the people in the town starting to change. It will never be the same there.



Mar 24, 2004
Coastal NJ
Your opinion.

Chatsworth has always had things going on in that area and all was well then so what it the problem now? I see the people in the town starting to change. It will never be the same there.



Since you dislike what the residents have requested, it is fortunate for you that you do not live there.


Staff member
Site Administrator
Jul 31, 2004
Ben's Branch, Stephen Creek
A few years ago I suggested that the Medfordization of Chatsworth had begun.. If you think it has changed now, just wait a few more years. ;) I wonder how long any of the pines can resist the pressure to become suburbs?

But "it is what it is" and I support the rights of residents to fashion a town in their own image, even if I don't agree with it myself. The flip side of 46er's coin is that you could buy a home in Chatsworth, go to the town meetings, and make your voice heard.
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Staff member
Site Administrator
Jul 31, 2004
Ben's Branch, Stephen Creek
When I moved to Medford 20 years ago, I heard someone complain about the "Cherryhillification" of Medford. So I figured the Medfordization of Chatsworth would be the next step in the progression.


Apr 2, 2005
Little Egg Harbor
I went over them for the first time today. If this thread didn't warn me, the large, flashing electronic sign would have. Without either, it I could see them being an issue for those not expecting them. Good or bad, I think the reason for the bumps is less what is happening in Chatsworth than all the development on the fringes of the pine barrens. Since Chatsworth is roughly in the geographic center, more traffic is passing through it on its way somewhere else. I'm not sure what the solution is. But...........

When I first moved to Little Egg Harbor twenty five years ago a young boy was struck and killed on Seven Bridges Rd. Anyone who drives that road knows it is fairly straight and people tend to speed up on it. They lowerd the speed limit on the section going through the residential portion but it hasn't made much difference. I drive it every day and I can honestly say, as a parent, I think of that boy several times a week, all these years later. A young girl related to my daughter's best friend was killed by a car in town not too long ago in town as well. I'll never question any attempts to slow cars in a residential neighborhood.

Pine Baron

Feb 23, 2008
Sandy Run
When I moved to Medford 20 years ago, I heard someone complain about the "Cherryhillification" of Medford. So I figured the Medfordization of Chatsworth would be the next step in the progression.

I grew up in Medford and can relate to what Boyd is saying. I went to HS out of town (late 70's into early 80's). In my first year I was a hick or a piney. By senior year it was, "you live in Medford, you must be rich", even though we lived in the same house. They used to call it Little Cherry Hill.

It really was a nice, small (historic) place to grow up in. But when the McD's was built, I knew it was all downhill after that. That's when out of town money moved in, strategically placed between Philly and AC, and the McMansions started to grow.

I just hope this "Medfordization" doesn't happen to all of our small towns. It's kinda nice to drive through places like Nesco, Chatsworth and Leektown and enjoy their aesthetic treasures.

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Old Crazy

Oct 13, 2007
Stinking Creek, NJ
I hate speed bumps. They should have just put up a billboard with a good looking guy in a speedo hugging a hot babe in a thong bikini. Then everybody would slow down.

Be careful when you drive into Sea Isle City. They did something worse than speed bumps, they put in raised sidewalks going across the road! Totally unnecessary and dangerous when people go over them coming down off the bridge doing 40-50mph.

Old Crazy

Oct 13, 2007
Stinking Creek, NJ
Okay, forget the guy in the speedos on the billboard. Instead, make it Larry The Cable Guy dressed in jeans and a flannel shirt hugging the bikini babe. The female drivers will still slow down to look at the sign because Larry is rich & famous [Groucho Marx voice inflection] "And rich & famous is the most potent aphrodisiac in the world for women." :p :eek::D


Feb 4, 2009
a village...in the pines
"...According to an NJDOT report slowing people down in Pinelands Villages means drivers will more likely stop to buy things associated with new development projects."

How will hotdogs stimulate development? Clams.....pizza, beer and a trunkload of firewood is all they are going to buy out here. But I did hear that a new development "Wasovich Woods" is slated for the Hog Wallow area.... :)
Just kidding SM, but I do see the point you are making.