Sunrise Affordable Homes?


Feb 19, 2005
Copperhead Road
Anyone here ever heard of Sunrise Affordable Homes? They're a modular (not jokes please :v: ) home dealer in Vineland. Not to ramble, but my gf (soon to be fiancee) and I are going to eventually relocate to the Hunterdon County area. Yes, yes, I know EXPENSIVE!!! She landed a GREAT teaching job in Hopatcong that was just too good to pass up. I am still working in the Princeton area and plan to continue in that area, so Hunterdon is the only "compromise" area. There are a few towns up there that still have 3/4 to 1 acre lots that are affordable, so we're researching the cost of buying land, having a full basement built, and buying a Cape Cod modular home to set on top of it. So, anyone heard of Sunrise? Supposedly they've been in business since 1988. Better yet-anyone here live (or lived) in a modular and can recommend a dealer?


Sep 7, 2005

Be very careful bud. Most of these no matter what anyone tells you are put together like crap. Over the years I've had as customers two such entities and seen their product in plant production in detail. there are many construction standards they Do... Not... Adhere to especially Electrically. It is frightening actually and the way walls, sheetrock and plumbing are addressed, awfull. Some might look o.k. but behind those walls are mostly nonstandard systems and materials that match nothing you will ever go to replace or enhance. Another thing. These companies rise and fall like a phoenix from ashes. Here today gone tomorrow back again under a new name next day. 1988 Ain't that old for a builder if you think on it. I have had bad experiences in business with two entities and have recently flat turned down another as customer in an enterprise. BAD MOJO dude! I do have one close neighbor with a 4 piece two story unit that I will say is a nice piece of work.I will ask him where his came from. I've been in it though in the putting up stages and seen some of the same issues. You can of course have some of them build it any way you want outside the crappy standard models. Upgraded materials special features accesses, heating cooling/systems.
You name it. but add all the costs for "extras" and improved standards and in my opinion you've saved nothing over a conventional builder.


Sue Gremlin

Sep 13, 2005
Vicksburg, Michigan
We were thinking of doing the very same thing in the very same area. I think the best advice I have gotten on this matter is to talk to someone who lives in a modular house. I have a couple of friends who do, and some companies are easier to deal with than others. Use the one that has the longest track record you can find.
One friend of mine hired a company that didnt' show up and took threats to finally finish the job a year late. The house is cheap but pretty, none of the doors close and it feels like there can't possibly be enough floor joists.
Another friend had one made and it's a great house. You can do well building a modular. Do some shopping around.


Feb 19, 2005
Copperhead Road
All good advice, thanks. I've since found another company called Simplex ( ) in Scranton that has more of an extensive website, been in business 35 years, etc... No pricing, but I requested some information. Bob Vila actually used the company to build a summer home somewhere up in New England. I think I'm going to order a few of videos in the series because they not only build the house from start to finish, they also tour the factory. Sue-I just checked out Premier's website-those are some great looking homes! It doesn't look like they service North/Central Jersey, but I suppose I could ask.


Feb 19, 2004
White Haven, PA
We just bought a modular in the Poconos. Really no problems with it other than some mold in the crawlspace. Electrical & everything else was fine. I don't remember who made it though; I'll try to find out.


There are a number of Modular builders in the Scranton area, many near Lancaster (employing many Amish carpenters) and several in the Williamsport, Muncy area. (I've heard Contempri is one to avoid, no specifics were given or I just don't remember them) Shorten Homes has some nice models and has been in business, for as long as I can remember. I used to work in TV up there in the 80's and they were going strong then and still are today.

We used a local builder who will remain nameless because he was a putz. Our home was built in Muncy and I have had no issues with it. I did have issues with the builder. It was supposed to take 3 months, well let's see we got pregnant and had my third daughter before it was complete. It took nearly 5 months from the time the foundation was set, and the boxes delivered before it was complete. Day after day and there was no movement. Again that is all on the builder, not the manufacturer. He also cut corners on the furnace, but not the water heater. We replaced the furnace this winter after the blower motor went (replacement was nearly the cost of the new, bigger, more effiecient furnace) It was really undersized for the house to begin with. It's a bi-level and we left the lower level unfinished until recently (did the work myself)

We could never have afforded the size house we got for the budget we had. And thankfully we built about 8 years ago, before the market went crazy.

Hope that helps.
Oct 25, 2006
In my opinion,i would check out the better business bureau to see if there are any complaints against the busnisses that you are going to deal with.


good advice.

Our builder came highly reccomended by out realtor (I do business with her husband on a regular basis) she no longer reccomends him. I believe he bit off more than he could chew and got taken by the buidling boom. Still, he could have done a better job than he did.