Super Bowl


Jul 18, 2003
Sparta, NJ
Even if you didn't watch the big game yesterday, I'm sure you've seen the little half time incident with Janet Jackson.

I think they should both be heavily fined as well as the producer for this stunt. Far be it from me what to tell people what to watch but people can make the decision to look at that stuff at a certain time or channel but don't show it where children can possibly see this.

Where will it all end???


I agree, Ken. A lot of kids watch the game with their dads, especially young boys. I don't necessarily have a problem with people watching those types of things, but as you say, the viewing audience should have some way of KNOWING beforehand, so the decision can be made as to whether or not to allow one's children to view. My children have both had plenty of experience with seeing certain things due to nursing and others around us nursing, and are taught that the human body is a wonderful thing; but this was different, it denigrates the female and perpetrates a male-dominate and superior attitude. Don't get me wrong--I love Latin dance, etc., where sensuality abounds, but there is a difference--no exploitation and the sensuality is mutual and egalitarian.
It's a shame that a female with no education can't usually make much more than eight dollars an hour unless she's dancing (guaranteed thousand a week and up), vs. a male with no education making twenty or more dollars an hour with no education. But don't get me started on that....
However, compared to what they made off of the halftime show, the fine will be a drop in the bucket.


BEHR655 said:
They are saying that the red lace was not supposed to come off. On the news last night they were showing it in slo-mo and by their reactions I think they both were quite surprized at the....ummmm....out come.

Well, that makes it a bit different story; I'd heard that although CBS hadn't known about it, that it was planned. Who knows...

Imagine this: Score is tied. Six minutes left to go. Suddenly, the electricity goes out, and isn't restored til eighty minutes later. Happened down here in Buena, someone hit a utility pole.
