Sympathy For The Devil


Jul 20, 2003
millville nj
You know I have always been a big skeptic of the Jersey Devil,classing him with Sasquatch the Mothman and a host of other non existent entities that people imagine to go bump in the night but I may have to change my tune.Many times people who know i frequent the woods in all seasons and at all time day and night ask me for confirmation of their worst fears in the woods.Ticks? Skeeters? deer flies? Not even rattlesnakes.No, It's always have i seen the Jersey Devil.I strike my most serious pose and say yes why I"ve seen him quite recently.The say Where?! Tell them why your looking at Him.I think this is quite funny bu I never get laughs,it's always disappointment,disgust or thinly veiled anger.Well I am here to say I finally admit I am not the Jersey Devil.No fellow Pineys, I am his cousin.Look at the two attachments below for confirmation.Margaret Leed would be a 9th GR Grandmother on my dads side and her husband Richard Haines Sr. would be a 9th Gr Grandpaw.. I have not figured out the actual connection yet,I must reread the devils story and Lineage but you can see Burlington County for margaret so a cousin connection is almost assured. I must now convert from unbeliever to Devils Advocate since He is indeed family. I must begin a quest to find out more about him. I now leave you with my new theme song.


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Jul 20, 2003
millville nj
Bob here is my Ancestry Ethnicity estimate and I fed my dna file into gedmatch and am posting their read out as well.


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Jul 20, 2003
millville nj
The one grandparent shouldn't give you more then 25 percent of your dna,your Italian is a bit high for just one Grandparent, Then again they obviously make mistakes because the different companies often contradict each other.I don't know where I got the jew from,I do have a couple cousins on moms side with one percent jew and several families on both sides that are said to be jew is,Berry's ,Chaffins (Sephardic) on Moms and Fuchs on dads (Ashkenazic) but my cousins from those families have no jew in them ???? I found a free website that extracted my y chromosone from my dna text file and as i thought I"m R1b with a sub clade of U106-z307 which supposedly means I am descended from the House of Wettin which is a family of kings from Germany,the House of Windsor (Modern British monarchy) descends from that house so I"d be cousins to Charles.Ancestry family trees run my Y chromosone back to late 1400s and place me exactly in the town my Y chrome says my House of Wettin ancestor comes from but I haven't been able to find the connection to the tree yet.has to me the main trunk since my tree already stretches back prior to the split of the Ernestine and Albertine branches.My dad was a Miller but in germany it was Muller.The Mullers went to England first around 1500,then to Ireland Then back to England and then here in the mid 1600s they came to Connecticut. So I am apparently a German jew mix,no wonder I"m self destructive on occasion. I also notice my Y chromo haplogroup came out of Iran and split with part going to cameroon,many Africans to this day there have a Haplogroup much more common in Europe,That may be the "Noise" that gives me less then a percent african ,Their distant couisns with a common ancestor probably from mesopatamia before we were babelized.In any case the african dna never helped.I still can't jump:-( Always wanted to dunk.When I was young on a real good day i could grab the rim,Now I can't even smack the net so the movie was true. I have a distant cousin who is all european like me but has a haplogroup E1b common to Africa.Alas he can't jump either??? I"m starting to lose faith in stereotypes Though speaking from an ethnicity that is half hillbilly it is still to this day hard to keep shoes on me.
  • Haha
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Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
To make it more complex, I did Ancestry as well, and that is below on the right. I have not reached the point where I want to dig deeper. By the way, I seem to age a bit every time each of these websites sends me a new email to try and tease me into spending more to dig deeper. That turns me off, not on.

I just realized my mom's grandfather is not Irish, but likely Italian. (Last name: Cassese).

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Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
I"d say Ancestrys Italian percentage is more in line with having only one italian ancestor,a grandparent
Wait, did you see northern italy AND southern italy? And I said above I just realized my mom's grandfather (on her mothers side) is not Irish, but likely Italian. (Last name: Cassese). So that must be the tipping point to Northern Italy. My mom's last name: Zaccardo. Add Cassese, and you have it.
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Jul 20, 2003
millville nj
Yes that would explain the high percentage of Italian. My closes connection to Italy is when we landed in Rome for a refuel on the way back from desert Storm.They wouldn't let us off the plane because most of us were drunk by then (Not me of course) so they made us stay on the plane during the refuel,I remember seeing olive groves next to the runway.was I in Italy or not if my feet never touched the soil????