T-Rex Rifle

Apr 6, 2004
foofoo said:
as i said things can go wrong. bullet deflected by a little brush,a round that wasnt laoded properly, a failed scope or site. we dont know. to beat the hunter up you have to believe the hunter is out to cause the animal misery .

The "hunters" may not have been out to cause the animal misery, but they certainly were out to murder it for the sheer thrill of it. They clearly had absolutely no respect for the beast. Rather pathetic, really.


Sep 14, 2003
you dont live in the bush of africa so to rag on there lifestyles isint right. just as here in the united states there are surplus animals in some portions and the same species may be endangered in other parts. i just got back from the florida keys and just ask the locals about the endangered key deer. when a population exceeds what the land will carry because of human expansion you end up with problems. controlling the numbers is a scientific way to manage and keep the herd healthy including lions.hunters are not about being blood thirsty wipe them all out.just sensible managing of the earth.


Feb 19, 2005
Copperhead Road
only sick or fat lions kill people. yeah o.k. also nice that some of us know how to use google. now thats scary.

Dammit foofoo! This is why I didn't want to respond to this topic! Am I lying? Are the many documented cases of man-eating lions lying? Why is it scary that I'm competent enough to utilize the wealth of information that lies at our fingertips? I may not be a world traveling big game hunter like yourself (in fact I'm more of a guy who likes to take a few shots at pheasants in Collier's Mills on the weekends) but I didn't just fall off damn the cranberry truck!

you dont live in the bush of africa so to rag on there lifestyles isint right.

No one is "ragging on anyone else's lifestyle here. I'm willing to bet that those guys don't either. South African whites do not live in "the bush." By the way, are you really superlicious? I noticed he hasn't reared his ugly head around here in a while and both of you seem to share the same disjointed typing style and disdain for common sense level headed thinking. Please try to re-read my argument and actually respond to it, that is if you're not off stalking overpopulated mountain gorillas or something...:rolleyes:
Apr 6, 2004
Badfish said:
By the way, are you really superlicious? I noticed he hasn't reared his ugly head around here in a while and both of you seem to share the same disjointed typing style and disdain for common sense level headed thinking. Please try to re-read my argument and actually respond to it, that is if you're not off stalking overpopulated mountain gorillas or something...



Feb 24, 2006
Fredericksburg VA
Genesis chapter 1
26 Then God said, "Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, and over all the creatures that move along the ground."

27 So God created man in his own image,
in the image of God he created him;
male and female he created them.

28 God blessed them and said to them, "Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air and over every living creature that moves on the ground."


Sep 14, 2003
ahh yes! they do hunt lion in africa and it is part of there lifestyle. just like we pen raise pheasants (that can barely fly) and trout (fed with pellets) and throw them into the nature to offer recreation and food. we are human and eat meat. there are white africans that live in the bush by the way. i cant believe you would say that and are believe me are just as poor as any dugh!. one guy i talked to had to shoot some kinda tweety type birds to cook in a stew to eat dinner. as far as the lion video its been out for years and its is very emotional. but im emoitional that the guy almost got killed and not the other way around. i see a hunter with his guides and camera people stalking a lion. watch the video again. they even dont take a shot because it was wrong to do so with the lion moving in the brush so they call off the shot. the hunter took a shot when he thought is was a good . the bullet didnt put it down right away which happens for whatever of a million reasons. im gonna stop my replies i dont see the need to get people heated . i really love all creatures but im responsible in my stewardship of the land. im really tired of turning things into pro verse cons of hunting and only certain critters are on that list for some.i wish to share my experience and knowledge. i use to think the same as most of you till i researched both sides.to just hunt deer while a jogger gets killed by a mountain lion (in california) or camper ripped out of ther sleeping bag by a bear in there sleep. just because some city people moved and they didnt want them hunted the population exploded. i have never gone to africa to hunt lion but i do respect what the people do in there own country. thank you that is all... PEACE BE WITH YOU!


Nov 8, 2004
Near Mt. Misery
Genesis chapter 1
26 Then God said, "Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, and over all the creatures that move along the ground."

27 So God created man in his own image,
in the image of God he created him;
male and female he created them.

28 God blessed them and said to them, "Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air and over every living creature that moves on the ground."

Grendel, your biblical quotes are a very appropriate and thought provoking. In light of the video in question it certainly makes one question our responsibility to rule and govern the creatures of the earth. Hunting and resource management has been a responsibility since the dawn of our species and the scribes of the bible were so profoundly aware of that. It sheds a light on trophy hunting as not only irresponsible and self indulgent, but sacreligious as well.



Feb 19, 2005
Copperhead Road
ahh yes! they do hunt lion in africa and it is part of there lifestyle.

It's part of the lifestyle of the peoples who colonized Africa. There is no longstanding cultural tradition of hunting lion that could be comparable to Native Americans hunting buffalo. We all know what almost happened to the buffalo as a result of unbridled trophy hunting. In the 1870s buffalo weren't threatening anyone, they were simply easy slow moving targets which could be shot from a train. So called "train hunts" killed 100s of buffalo a day and fueled a then nationwide demand for buffalo products-none of which included meat which was widely satified by the growing cattle industry.

just like we pen raise pheasants (that can barely fly) and trout (fed with pellets) and throw them into the nature to offer recreation and food.

You're going to equate a small bird with the king of the jungle? Come on, there's got to be some heirarchy of animals here. Lions are majestic unique creatures that are wild. You can't compare them to farm raised pheasants!

white africans that live in the bush by the way. i cant believe you would say that and are believe me are just as poor as any dugh!. one guy i talked to had to shoot some kinda tweety type birds to cook in a stew to eat dinner.

And these are the same guys who are dropping $10K U.S. to hunt lions? The guns they use alone are worth more than I make in a month! :bs:

i have never gone to africa to hunt lion but i do respect what the people do in there own country.

Then where did you meet the dirt poor lion hunter?

It sheds a light on trophy hunting as not only irresponsible and self indulgent, but sacreligious as well.

Right on Jeff. I'll be the first to say that my family and I are the proud owners and displayers of many deer heads, antler mounts, etc... None of us ever went out saying "I'm only shooting a 12 pointer today." Between my Dad, Grandfather, and myself those mounts just represent the times we were lucky enough to put meat in the freezer AND a nice rack on the wall. If I lived in Africa or had the chance to travel and for whatever reason got the chance to hunt a PROBLEM (ie: old or sick man-eater) lion you damn well better believe I'd have the head mounted or the hide preserved as a nice bonus. However, I'd find it morally repugnant to seek out a lion in it's own environment where it is bothering no one and hunt it down.

That being said, I challenge anyone to find a case of a man-eater lion (or any other big cat for that matter) that sought out human settlements for food that was NOT found to be otherwise healthy and capable of downing a normal prey animal. The same goes for any other dangerous African animal (elephant, rhino, cape buffalo) that poses a threat to humans.
Apr 6, 2004
Woodjin said:
Grendel, your biblical quotes are a very appropriate and thought provoking. In light of the video in question it certainly makes one question our responsibility to rule and govern the creatures of the earth. Hunting and resource management has been a responsibility since the dawn of our species and the scribes of the bible were so profoundly aware of that. It sheds a light on trophy hunting as not only irresponsible and self indulgent, but sacreligious as well.

Wow. Well said. Well said.


Mar 12, 2004
Maybe these people were just hungry. I grab 4 or 5 friends and a camera crew for a trip to africa at LEAST twice a week to fill the fridge.


Feb 19, 2005
Copperhead Road
Maybe these people were just hungry. I grab 4 or 5 friends and a camera crew for a trip to africa at LEAST twice a week to fill the fridge.

Yeeeaach! Trust me, I've had black bear once and it was terrible. I honestly can't describe the taste, but it's not like any other game meat I've ever had. Now think about it, black bears only eat carrion occasionally (when they can find it) and nuts and berries the rest of the time. I honestly can't imagine that an animal that consumes solely meat would be at all appettizing. I can't think of any other animal that consumes meat that is killed for human consumption. Even horse meat (a delicacy in other parts of the world) must taste better! Not that I'm advocating chopping up Mr. Ed for dinner or anything...lol


Sep 14, 2003
It's part of the lifestyle of the peoples who colonized Africa. There is no longstanding cultural tradition of hunting lion that could be comparable to Native Americans hunting buffalo. We all know what almost happened to the buffalo as a result of unbridled trophy hunting. In the 1870s buffalo weren't threatening anyone, they were simply easy slow moving targets which could be shot from a train. So called "train hunts" killed 100s of buffalo a day and fueled a then nationwide demand for buffalo products-none of which included meat which was widely satified by the growing cattle industry.

You're going to equate a small bird with the king of the jungle? Come on, there's got to be some heirarchy of animals here. Lions are majestic unique creatures that are wild. You can't compare them to farm raised pheasants!

And these are the same guys who are dropping $10K U.S. to hunt lions? The guns they use alone are worth more than I make in a month! :bs:

Then where did you meet the dirt poor lion hunter?
HOW DO YOU KNOW? this wasnt a lion PAST ITS PRIME being hunted. i would bet it costs more than that to hunt lion. it only takes a 30-06 deer rifle to hunt lion and not a billion dollar state of the art gun SO YOUR WRONG!.of course we raise other critters for food and i dont eat lion but people do= FACT!. there are people in some counties that eat bat but think its funny that we eat moldy cheese. this is what im talking about. getting emotional from a video without knowing all the facts. i bet if some see a terrorist propaganda film or the crap i see mike moore puts out you would get swallowed too. WE SURE DO KNOW IT ALL SITTING IN OUR HOMES HERE IN NEW JERSEY.i see now we are classifying animals in catagories. i thought so. its all about what is o.k. in your mind but not others that matters (i call that closed minded). if i load my canoe into the river and smash with my paddle on a larvae of mosquitoes killing thousands thats o.k. but the fuzzy deer that has overpopulated eating all the river green to a dust is o.k. . by the way- NO SUCH THING AS TROPHY HUNTING.the trophy is in ones mind. a guy on my block has a spike whitetail deer mounted proudly in his living room. again i know most have visions of the big bad hunter shooting the poor lion and chopping his head off and leaving the rest. that doesnt happen.NOW YOU CAN ALL JUMP ON IM OFFICIALLY DONE....REALLY......


Sep 14, 2003
Then where did you meet the dirt poor lion hunter
he wasnt a lion hunter PLEAES GO BACK AND READ. he was a local with a run down farm who was living off the good ole mother earth. the poor are everywhere my friend. GOOGLE WONT TELL YOU THAT YOU MIGHT HAVE TO GO THERE. be warned though if you do go. johannesburg has a homicide rate that will make your jaw drop.


Feb 19, 2005
Copperhead Road
HOW DO YOU KNOW? this wasnt a lion PAST ITS PRIME being hunted.

I didn't which is why I started my post off with this:

First off, again, we don't know, as Paul Harvey says, the REST of the story.

it only takes a 30-06 deer rifle to hunt lion and not a billion dollar state of the art gun

I can't say I'd want to go after an animal that large without something with considerably more stopping power considering the body mass and speed a lion posseses. Especially one being shot at.

i bet if some see a terrorist propaganda film or the crap i see mike moore puts out you would get swallowed too.

Ahhhh...Superlicious, we meet again. I knew it was you. We're not talking about terrorism here unless I'm missing something. Farenheit 9/11 was a bunch of tripe, so was Roger and Me, so was Bowling for Columbine, etc... Not everyone who disagrees with you is a disciple of Michael Moore, much to your dismay as that may be. Just to be clear, I've never burned a flag, smoked pot, killed a baby, hugged a tree, worn love beads, spit on a veteran, been to a communist party rally, complained about "In God We Trust" on coins, refused to say the pledge of allegiance, or worn my hair past my ears. I have however, voted Democrat, supported unions, been filled with both rage and sadness at 9/11 remembrances, waved the flag proudly, swelled with pride during the playing of the National Anthem, opposed the Iraq war, supported the war in Afghanistan, been a boy scout, volunteered with my church, owned guns, hunted, and fished. People are just not so easily pigeonholed super.

NO SUCH THING AS TROPHY HUNTING.the trophy is in ones mind.

Did you read this in "The Secret," or see it on Dr. Phil?

a guy on my block has a spike whitetail deer mounted proudly in his living room.

Once again, your personal experience trumps all and information from any other source is deemed baised or otherwise unreliable.

he wasnt a lion hunter PLEAES GO BACK AND READ. he was a local with a run down farm who was living off the good ole mother earth.

Then why was his story relavent to this topic?

GOOGLE WONT TELL YOU THAT YOU MIGHT HAVE TO GO THERE. be warned though if you do go. johannesburg has a homicide rate that will make your jaw drop.

Once again, if you haven't been to Africa and Google won't tell you these things how do you have all this knowledge? How did you get to talk to the South African dirt farmer? By the way, I knew about how dangerous Johannesburg was already-I read it in one of those things called books, but I guess you wouldn't know anything about that since the only information that is truth is your personal knowledge. Do you notice that I don't always agree with Bob, Steve, Guy, Ben, Scott, etc...but we manage to post interesting and thoughtful arguments? Why are you incapable or unwilling to do so? I know I asked you this once before, super, but do you really conduct yourself in public like this? If you do I really hope someone puts you in your place and tells you just how rude and reprehensible your attitude is.

My grandfather once told me that if you wrestle with a pig in the mud you begin to realize that the pig likes it.


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
How my humble post turned into this is beyond me! :D
