"There is ACTUAL TRUTH to Pineys being incestuous, illiterate, mentally deficient, inbred imbeciles supposedly responsible for generations of morons and prostitutes," Stone said on Facebook in 2020.
I do a lot of technical writing in my work and the accurate choice of words is very important. I immediately noted that Ms. Stone has haphazardly mixed the terms for imbeciles, morons and prostitutes into one sentence. She has intimated that imbeciles were responsible for generations of morons and prostitutes. I not sure that any of that can be accurately attributed to imbeciles, nor am I sure that an imbecile can have progeny who would be classified as morons.
There are distinct numerical IQ values for morons, imbeciles and idiots. These scales are considered offensive now (what isn't?) and are no longer used. For background, these older mental retardation scales indicate that a moron has an IQ of 50-74, an imbecile 25-49 and an idiot 0-24. Prostitutes are not classified by IQ in those scales. As a child, I was pleased to be called a moron by by mom, placing me at the upper end of the scale.
So, in light of all of that, where are these prostitutes of whom she speaks ?