The Old Mine Road and Amphibian Material


Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
Free, if you want it. Must either pickup, or create a secret service drop box or meet-up somewhere. I enjoyed it, but most of the history was in NY. Lots of superstitious dutch and germans up that way in the mid to late 1600's. Several quite funny stories. A survey party from philly was sent up that way with their chains to mark out lands. Back then, many Dutch and Indians were friends. When the surveys began, an Indian tapped the surveyor on his shoulder from behind, and when he spun around, the Indian said "take string, go home". And they did!


The same deal as above. I got these from the Feds for sending them a nice photo of a hognose. These are about 90 pages each, with many how-to suggestions for managing herp habitat.

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