The Stone Hills


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
BTW, please don't remove any bricks from the area!

I don't think you have to worry about that. I did not find any intact bricks. And they were nothing. The brick stealers will go to Hampton Furnace.



May 29, 2003
"Don't move the bricks? Uh-oh...Still, the new patio and rock garden look really cool.

Anyway, no river on my map, just an unnamed run that surveyers refer to as Drainage Easement."


Your sarcastic remark was totally lame and shows that maybe you aren't as concerned as I am. I agree with Teegate that there's no good bricks, but it would only take a few people taking souveniers over a short amount of time where this discussion about those bricks would not be possible for future visitors. I do know that most people here, most likely all involved in the discussion, wouldn't disturb anything, but I just wanted to voice my concern to onlookers for the few lasting relics of that area...which, amounts to that small pile of bricks!


Jan 2, 2003
They did a controlled burn on the east side of Hampton Gate, it might be a good time to explore. It did not burn the briars near the river.


Jan 2, 2003
We must take into consideration that when they drew the roads on that map they did not put every turn in the road on it, and in fact they made most of the winding roads dead straight. I am thinking that they did this also with the road from Hampton Gate to Hampton Furnace in the area in question. So with that said, I went with distances from features shown on the map.

I walked in the road just before the bridge on the right heading toward Carranza. In just a very short distance there is an area that looks like many locations in the pines that at one time had dwellings. There are old bricks and stone there, and as I mentioned a possible foundation under the leaves. Take the 1858 map with you as I did and walk toward the stone hill and compare the distances from the hill to you, and the stream to you, and it becomes apparent that this could be the place.


I walked that road from Carranza rd to Hampton Furnace. On an old map it shows it as a road on the west side of the Batsto but it is only recognisable as a road for about 1.25 miles. Shortly past the submerged bridge it turns into a foot path.
Sarcasm? or Satire?

"Don't move the bricks? Uh-oh...Still, the new patio and rock garden look really cool ... relayer

Your sarcastic remark was totally lame and shows that maybe you aren't as concerned as I am ... jokerman

Courtesy of :

"Sarcasm: from Greek sarkasmos, the noun form of sarkasein, "to tear flesh", "to gnash teeth". The Greeks took it as a figurative word to refer to "bitter speech", as such speech could be as painful as having one’s flesh torn, or it could cause the recipient to gnash his teeth ... This form of biting wit (ouch!) has a surprising relative in sarcophagus, an old word for a stone tomb. Sarcophagus is the Latin form of the Greek sarkophagos which means 'flesh eater'."

Courtesy of Ambrose Bierce, _The Devil's Dictionary_, text available online at :

"SATIRE, n. An obsolete kind of literary composition in which the vices and follies of the author's enemies were expounded with imperfect tenderness. In this country satire never had more than a sickly and uncertain existence, for the soul of it is wit, wherein we are dolefully deficient ..."

In my opinion, the latter definition more precisely characterizes relayer's statement than the former definition. Indeed, Mr. Bierce's characterization of our nation's curious Irony Deficiency may even remain somewhat valid today, at least in isolated instances.

Don'cha think?

Like rain on your wedding day, or any of the non-ironic occurrences cited in that particular song?

Hinchman's Hill


Wow, and I just thought I was making a harmless joke to transition between the post about the bricks and my response to a query about my location. Still. I'll take all the help I can get. I evidently need it.

Now, however I may feel, an interesting topic has been raised. Since this thread was meant by its originator to deal with the Stone Hills (and surrounding area) I will begin a new thread to handle the issue.


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
Since this thread was meant by its originator to deal with the Stone Hills (and surrounding area) I will begin a new thread to handle the issue.

It seems to me that you started the thread, so you can steer it anyway you want to.
