Let me throw this out there. This was tragic and should not have happened but I've been there on all counts. It is not hard to miss the train coming. Please do not think I feel any of this is funny but as an ATV rider I feel I should put this out there. Don't screw around on active rails!!!!!
If you are near road crossings of course they sound out. If you are in
no-whereville, they have no reason to sound out and don't think they don't crank up the speed. When you actually hear the train on the rails, seconds are generally all you have. Open spaces save time. I have more than once been in a spot. Once under the bridge where route 30 crosses the A.C.
rails, I was in that crossing when the train came through it. Couple feet was all I had and I locked the brakes, shut it down & leaned away a couple feet from the train. Very,,, very bad. Another time I saw the train in good time and commenced to hop the tracks, a trick I and the same bike of 18 years have done many times. It stalled... I pulled it over the tracks in time to be staring up at the train's fuel tanks. I have also seen the result of a stolen quad pushed on to the rails. There was not even a piece of engine block large enough to be a paper weight. My daughter was and is disturbed by that spew of parts to this day. She just wanted out of the area at the time.
I love my ATV, while I try to ride responsibly, I still ride on the wrong side of the law. No... as German said, it is not legal. I do however please stress care in this type of thing. There are so many places to ride. stay away from active tracks! This is a horrid thing and it saddens me that yes, it could have been avoided.