True Piney Environment

Glenn Walters

Oct 2, 2013
I was going to put this in recreation thread, but then I figured
had a lot more to do with the environment. This morning I went and got some time in the Pines before the big snow. I was home for about 2 hours and I got an itch on my shoulder. I reached back to scratch and pulled something back stuck to my finger. Crazy!!!!! Gotta love the Piney Life! :eek:

Glenn Walters

Oct 2, 2013
Glenn, I had sent you an email about the PBX trip at the last minute. Did you receive it?
I am sure you did. I haven't been on my email for so long. So busy. I will check though. No biggy if not though. Next time let me know again. If I can make it I definitely will go.


Feb 22, 2013
This past Sunday Ro & I and our neighbor Lori, with Mark, Oji, Donna & Joe, Bernie K, were on a hike, arranged by Turtle, north of Warren Grove village. When we got back to our car Lori found a small (deer?) tick on her jacket. We were amazed, after the recent cold snap.

Glenn Walters

Oct 2, 2013
This past Sunday Ro & I and our neighbor Lori, with Mark, Oji, Donna & Joe, Bernie K, were on a hike, arranged by Turtle, north of Warren Grove village. When we got back to our car Lori found a small (deer?) tick on her jacket. We were amazed, after the recent cold snap.
So crazy right Johnny!!!! Where were you north of Warren Grove?

Glenn Walters

Oct 2, 2013
Yes, I consider Bob a good friend. I have been hiking with PBX now for 5 years in a few weeks. Nothing but good times!

Pinewald is a section of Berkeley Township.

I have been in contact with him a few times about it. I am really busy, but plan on joining you guys first chance I get. So right near Potters Creek and Cedar Creek Park right?


Feb 22, 2013
Glenn, we were on the west side of 539, just north of Warren Grove, went in on a good sand road and turned north paralleling 539 on the west side of a big tree filled reservoir. Turtle can provide you with the name of the roads used.

Glenn Walters

Oct 2, 2013
I was on my way to get my daughter when I pulled it off my shoulder/back and threw it out my car window into the 15 deg. weather and 3 inches of snow. They are bastards!


Feb 22, 2013
Turtle sent us the map below of our walk north of Warren Grove - it's in blue. The red trace is of a walk Turtle and several other members, but not us, took this past November.
Gotta add: we saw more Turkey Beard Xerophyllum asphodeloides than I'd ever seen in one place, it was almost a ground cover. Must be spectacular when in bloom.......


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Jun 3, 2009
Coming from a confirmed Lyme carrier myself, I would say brace for an epidemic, for lack of a less dramatic term. Also I strongly believe it is severely underdiagnosed in the eastern US as of now.

Bothers me that those guys are out 365 days a year now it seems, really all through the midatlantic region. As discussed in other recent threads, more tick-borne illnesses are being discovered/confirmed as we go, not all coming from the deer ticks. I’ve definitely noticed way more of them in the barrens in the last few years than before…

Check out the snapshot of my daily supplements almost all of them(all but a few) a result of my Lyme disease. Mind you, this is just my current med lineup IN ADDITION to a much heavier IV antibiotic dosing three times a week.This from the responsible tick and circular rash being found just a few days after I picked him up,back in '08 or '09…..Oral antibiotics initially seem to squash it but it would return a year later and never seemed to fully be under control since. Of course over this time possibly hundreds were found on me over the ensuing years so reinfection is a very likely possibility.
Have resorted to more diligent ‘tick checks’; also finally relented and took up use of Deet and Permethrin.
All that being said- of course it still doesn’t keep me out of the woods lol.


Jan 2, 2003
That's a lot of stuff. I just read my medical log from 2000. I started to complain to my doctor about general aches in March. Finally in June I test positive for ehrlichiosis and babesiosis and get treated with oral antibiotic. I continue to get worse, by August my hands are constantly swollen. Lyme test not positive. September my left shoulder and right hip freeze. My SED rate goes to 80 so off to a rheumatologist but that goes nowhere (that's good). Finally in November I get to see an infectious disease specialist. He thinks I have Lyme and starts treating me with IV rocephin. Every day for 28 days I get infused through a PIC line. Within 1 week my hands are no longer swollen and my SED rate drops. I got better but it took months of PT to bet my joints and mussels back. I took no supplements and I am fine now, except for babesiosis of course, but I haven't had a bad sweat since 2002. I can't give blood. Rocephin crosses the blood/ brain barrier and gets into the bone marrow where the spirochetes hide when you have had Lyme for a long time.
The stuff works! Good luck.


Mar 10, 2005
Pinewald, NJ
I have been in contact with him a few times about it. I am really busy, but plan on joining you guys first chance I get. So right near Potters Creek and Cedar Creek Park right?

Looking forward to seeing you on a future trip!

Close, Pinewald is to the west of that.