Tucker's Isle


Mar 24, 2004
Coastal NJ
I've always wanted to explore little beach and have been fascinated by it, but I heard you need a federal permit to get on it. Is that condition enforced, or is it generally accepeted that you can land there with small watercraft without a huge concern of federal prosecution?


You could contact the Forsythe NWR, they have jurisdiction for that area or the Friends of Forsythe, who could probably find out without being questioned under a bare lightbulb.. Seriously, pretty friendly folks there. From what I recall, Little Beach Island is accessible but requires a Special Use Permit. I doubt you'd have any problem getting a permit for your trip and there probably will not be any fee :D



Jun 17, 2007
Long Valley, NJ
I am not sure about the legality of landing on it.I did see no tresspassing signs along the southern shore of the island and the signs stated it was because of seabird nesting though there were no dates posted that you could tresspass legally.Perhaps they would not say anything if you landed after nesting season.By then i had already walked the whole island from north to south since the first time i went there i put in at the end of seven bridges road and canoed across the inlet.I was crazy back then I know.We saw one clammer parked in the inland pond at the northern edge.The second time i went there we put in off leeds road and took a flat bottom motorboat across and landed mid island on the western edge.The third time we canoed from brigantine on the marsh side and landed on the sw corner.This time we found the coast guard station and checked it out.Sleeping bags and bunks a nice cozy place.I wanted to stay but once we used up the fresh water left there it would have got uncomfortable.
I do believe it is technically off limits at least above high tide line in the dunes where the birds nest.People I hear land on the beach all the time for surf fishing and what not and I think this is ok.I doubt they would mind if you explored the island after the birds are gone.Warning there is poison ivy and oak everywhere that isn't submerged in salt water.A couple of small patches of dune forest exists which much ivy and black cherry trees.Quite attractive as long as you don't touch the foliage:)
One place i still haven't gotten too and I believe it is off limits too in the NWR is oak island.There are ruins on it from I believe colonial times.I think a Mathis or something lived out there.There is a road going to it but from the aerila the birdge appears to be out.It could be reached via a landing west of it just off route 9 or by swimming the creek where the bridge is out.Looks like a very interesting island.I'd probably go in the fall after whatever their trying to protect has reproduced and either left or went into winter mode.

Oak Island... one of my big want-to's as well. The ruins are supposedly of Great John Mathis' place, and if I remember correctly the road running out there shows up as Mathis on current maps.

Was it German mentioned maybe organizing a visit out there some day? German? :)
Apr 6, 2004
Oak Island... one of my big want-to's as well. The ruins are supposedly of Great John Mathis' place, and if I remember correctly the road running out there shows up as Mathis on current maps.

Was it German mentioned maybe organizing a visit out there some day? German? :)

Yeah. German?

Apr 6, 2004


Jul 20, 2003
millville nj
so why is no one allowed out there?I'm supervised 40 hours a week.Perhaps this is for our own safety.Where our these supervisors on pbx hikes that actually do traverse dangerous terrian? I understand during spring and summer critters are raising their family.Whats going on out there in mid winter that we would endanger by going there?
I know,I was on e of those kids that always wanted to know WHY? Why couldn't i do this and do that.Unfortuantely I frequently did it anyway,still do occasionally.


Jun 17, 2007
Long Valley, NJ
so why is no one allowed out there?I'm supervised 40 hours a week.Perhaps this is for our own safety.Where our these supervisors on pbx hikes that actually do traverse dangerous terrian? I understand during spring and summer critters are raising their family.Whats going on out there in mid winter that we would endanger by going there?
I know,I was on e of those kids that always wanted to know WHY? Why couldn't i do this and do that.Unfortuantely I frequently did it anyway,still do occasionally.

Yeah, I detest authority too. :). From the signs it looks like the prohibition is for the benefit of birds, not the protection of humans.


Jul 20, 2003
millville nj
Yeah, I detest authority too. :). From the signs it looks like the prohibition is for the benefit of birds, not the protection of humans.

Now i like birds and would be willing to give the island to them spring and summer but what on earth are we disturbing if we go out there in fall and winter?I like the marsh better then anyway,I grew up in dividing creek and vicinity and the greenheads have taken enough of me over the years.Nothing better then walking a hay marsh on a cold winters day as long as it's not raining.


Jun 17, 2007
Long Valley, NJ
Now i like birds and would be willing to give the island to them spring and summer but what on earth are we disturbing if we go out there in fall and winter?I like the marsh better then anyway,I grew up in dividing creek and vicinity and the greenheads have taken enough of me over the years.Nothing better then walking a hay marsh on a cold winters day as long as it's not raining.

Sounds good from up here in the choir, brother. :).


Jul 20, 2003
millville nj
Bald eagles often arrive at the nest in mid january and I don't doubt there is an eagle nest or two on the island but by summers end the immatures are ready to fend for themselves so by say september there should be nothing going on out there a few hikers would hurt,then again it's all about control.If they make it off limits they figure most people will stay away and if you are caught out there then there are no technicalities your just busted.I visit Forsythe sevral times a year and take the drive around and support what their doing through the use fee.I'd like to see how much percentage wise of the NWR is off limits to the public year round.Kinda like makin payments on a vehicle you can't drive.When I first went there more areas were open for hiking.Now there is one short trail and if you ain't on that trail your in the wrong place.You'd think they were hiding the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil in there.Too late,we already found it,never learned to apply it but we found it.


Jul 20, 2003
millville nj
i can find three buildings on the historical aerials.two on the main island and one on the southern island.today o birds eye clearing and or sandy spots can be detected at all three sites.the two on the bigs island are both right along the road and the southern island is right along the road that accesses that island.go back to 1963 and in the 50's and the buildings are plain then go to birds eye and the sandy clearings will jump out at you.the bridge on the road coming from route 9 appears to have been in service till at least 1970 but is broken by 1995.today the ruins are visible and the second minor bridge also appears broken but possibly walkable,the first one is a wader or swimmer.


Jan 25, 2008
Browns Mills
Alfie, I'm a volunteer and currently taking classes at Forsythe, if Jeff doesn't get any info I'll ask around and see whats up. If you try going out there with your ghillie suit remember to leave the sparkley high heels at home, they give you away every time.


Apr 30, 2010
Where needed.
manumuskin - Is this concerning Forsythe National Wildlife Refuge???
"When I first went there more areas were open for hiking.Now there is one short trail and if you ain't on that trail your in the wrong place."
Because I'm not aware of any areas that had been open to foot traffic in the past that are now closed.
As far as only having one short trail:
  • Leeds Eco-Trail. A scenic .5-mile two-pronged trail through salt marsh and woodlands offers you a chance to view "life on the edge" of these two interesting and diverse habitats.
  • Boardwalk. The Boardwalk extends out over the wetlands. It offers spectacular views of the Refuge, tidal back bays, and the Atlantic City skyline. Interpretive displays describe the functions of the salt marsh. Parking for both the Boardwalk and Leeds Eco-Trail trailhead is available at the foot of the Boardwalk.
  • Akers Woodland Trail. A quarter-mile easy walking path through native woodlands provides many seasonal opportunities to see migrating warblers. Park at the Visitor Informaton Center lot.
  • Jen’s Trail. A three quarter-mile loop with a thirty-five foot elevation gain provides great views of the refuge and is a good place to see forest birds. Parking is available at the trailhead.
  • Songbird Trail. This trail through a variety of upland habitats is an outstanding hike to view migratory songbirds. By returning along the Wildlife Drive, you can choose different loop options such as a 3.6 mile loop from Jen’s Trail or a 5 mile loop from the Visitor Information Center.. Follow the blue blazes to stay on the main trail or take shorter loops by following the yellow or pink blazed spur trails. Be alert for vehicles on the Wildlife Drive. Park at the Visitor Information lot or in the Jen's Trail parking area at the end of the Wildlife Drive loop.

    Plus the entire 8 mile wildlife drive is open to foot traffic.


Jul 20, 2003
millville nj
Problem is I've never been able to hold a trail well.It's very hard to squeeze off trail and into the bush between area closed signs,not my idea of a good place to explore.I guess I'm not easily pleased.