I am not sure about the legality of landing on it.I did see no tresspassing signs along the southern shore of the island and the signs stated it was because of seabird nesting though there were no dates posted that you could tresspass legally.Perhaps they would not say anything if you landed after nesting season.By then i had already walked the whole island from north to south since the first time i went there i put in at the end of seven bridges road and canoed across the inlet.I was crazy back then I know.We saw one clammer parked in the inland pond at the northern edge.The second time i went there we put in off leeds road and took a flat bottom motorboat across and landed mid island on the western edge.The third time we canoed from brigantine on the marsh side and landed on the sw corner.This time we found the coast guard station and checked it out.Sleeping bags and bunks a nice cozy place.I wanted to stay but once we used up the fresh water left there it would have got uncomfortable.
I do believe it is technically off limits at least above high tide line in the dunes where the birds nest.People I hear land on the beach all the time for surf fishing and what not and I think this is ok.I doubt they would mind if you explored the island after the birds are gone.Warning there is poison ivy and oak everywhere that isn't submerged in salt water.A couple of small patches of dune forest exists which much ivy and black cherry trees.Quite attractive as long as you don't touch the foliage

One place i still haven't gotten too and I believe it is off limits too in the NWR is oak island.There are ruins on it from I believe colonial times.I think a Mathis or something lived out there.There is a road going to it but from the aerila the birdge appears to be out.It could be reached via a landing west of it just off route 9 or by swimming the creek where the bridge is out.Looks like a very interesting island.I'd probably go in the fall after whatever their trying to protect has reproduced and either left or went into winter mode.