unfortunate photos of apple pie hill

mudboy dave

Oct 15, 2008


people are morons not much more to say other than I'[ll be out there cleaning up soon. these photos were taken from a freind on wed.


Jul 29, 2007
I wonder how long until they close the roads going to apple pie tower?

I dont think there has been a time over the last few years where there was not broken tvs computers, and other appliances at the bottom of the tower.

Best part is when you clean it up 2 weeks later its trashed again.


Nov 5, 2008
Jersey Shore

We see gates and closed roads in the pines but the ATVs get around them or in the case of the superfund sites, the gates are frequently torn down so they can have access to these areas. I have seen law enforcement personel one time in the pines during the past six months. Since the area is remote it will be difficult at best to observe and patrol. I am at a loss for a valid answer to the problem of trashing.


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
If a few of them were caught, and the word was put out to the news organizations, we may see the problem diminish at Apple Pie Hill. Remember the problems at Carranza, well I though for sure the descriptive sign there would be gone in a few days and it still resides there. It may be because people see the state is serious about damage to the memorial and surrounding area. If the same was true for Apple Pie this problem may diminish.



Dec 11, 2005
If a few of them were caught, and the word was put out to the news organizations, we may see the problem diminish at Apple Pie Hill. Remember the problems at Carranza, well I though for sure the descriptive sign there would be gone in a few days and it still resides there. It may be because people see the state is serious about damage to the memorial and surrounding area. If the same was true for Apple Pie this problem may diminish.


Maybe some strategically positioned night cameras to capture license plate numbers. Or a sign: "No trespassing after sunset". Obviously it's not a priority to the state.


New Member
Dec 9, 2007
We see gates and closed roads in the pines but the ATVs get around them or in the case of the superfund sites, the gates are frequently torn down so they can have access to these areas. I have seen law enforcement personel one time in the pines during the past six months. Since the area is remote it will be difficult at best to observe and patrol. I am at a loss for a valid answer to the problem of trashing.

Are you saying the ATVs brought the TV sets and trash out into the woods?

And it's the ATVs that tear down those big metal gates?

Truth is I'm in the woods all the time and I haven't seen an ATV out there in years.

It's almost like trying to find the elusive JerseyDevil.:pigfly:


Nov 8, 2004
Near Mt. Misery
I was kind of thinking the same thing (concerning ATV's) I'm certain ATV riders are not responsible for the trash up there. I wonder if it isn't a small group of people who have a particular interest in droping TV's and things from high places. Oh my God, it's Led Zeppelin isn't it? Damn rock stars.



Mar 28, 2005
Berlin Twp
There are a lot of places in the pinelands where the local "yutes" have a blast doing the type of thing you see at APH. I'm thinking they have no idea of the significance of the area there, or just truly don't care that it is a pretty special place to people like us. The question is how do we confront such a disrespectful group, knowing the outcome will more than likely be a pretty ugly scene. I love APH, it kinda was a gateway for me to really experience the pines, one of the first places I "discovered" and was hooked after looking out over the massive area for the first time. We all know the strapped resources of our state, do we need to step up as citizens and take the place back?


Feb 18, 2008
SJ and SW FL
Apple Pie Hill

As most of you know, this place has been a mess for decades and it does not stay clean for very long. Although, I have seen some folks clean it up in the past, even raking the dirt to get out small pieces of metal, etc.
This is quite a popular place for "tourists" and it would be ashamed to close it off. Instead of full closure, I would prefer to see a chain link fence, with appropriate obstacle at the top of the fence placed just around the tower itself, leaving a locked gate for authorized access. This would prevent the wrong people from using the tower, but still allow access to the hill. It's sad that it has come to this, because climbing the tower is a highlight for a lot of people.


Jul 29, 2007
Sounds like we need to set up a NJPB sting operation!!!

Seriously though we could use our power as private citizens to detain said persons until local law enforcement came to take over.

Although the liability involved with putting your hands on someone is not worth it. Maybe its time for some covert camera operations


Mar 24, 2004
Coastal NJ
What's needed is a bounty sytem for folks that turn in the trasher's. Maybe a $10 gift certificate for your local beer parlor, that would get results. :D

As far as the tower, just remove the first couple sets of stairs.

mudboy dave

Oct 15, 2008
We see gates and closed roads in the pines but the ATVs get around them or in the case of the superfund sites, the gates are frequently torn down so they can have access to these areas. I have seen law enforcement personel one time in the pines during the past six months. Since the area is remote it will be difficult at best to observe and patrol. I am at a loss for a valid answer to the problem of trashing.

how often do you see ATV tire prints any more in the pines? esp around apple pie hill? (no I'm not talking truck tires) ATVs can't tear down a gate, they just don't weigh enough enough. Apple pie hill just doesnt hold the desire to do any kind of offroading since the woods rails where placed up top. I'd be willing to put money on it that this is alot of local and semi local kids driving up there with their cars and trucks with tvs/monitors not ATVs. Also to answer the other concern about the gate. I say srew the tourists and make em walk just like we would have to. I know how to block trucks and ATVs effectivley not many others do.


Dec 7, 2008
My experience with the dock at the Oswego River Preserve is that it is entirely local kids partying. My .02.

BTW, somebody cleaned that place up immaculately! Very happy.

mudboy dave

Oct 15, 2008
My experience with the dock at the Oswego River Preserve is that it is entirely local kids partying. My .02.

BTW, somebody cleaned that place up immaculately! Very happy.

the preserve or the hill? either way congrats to whomever for a good job. See heres the thing, I used to party in the woods every weekend. sometimes if I hear of the local kids going out I will still stop out and drink a few. However evry morning after I would always stop out to where we were at and clean up. most people threw there cans in the fire but there would always be a few straglers. I was always the guy that kept the party spots clean. Kids will be kids but trashing a place has no excuse.


Dec 11, 2005
As most of you know, this place has been a mess for decades and it does not stay clean for very long. Although, I have seen some folks clean it up in the past, even raking the dirt to get out small pieces of metal, etc.
This is quite a popular place for "tourists" and it would be ashamed to close it off. Instead of full closure, I would prefer to see a chain link fence, with appropriate obstacle at the top of the fence placed just around the tower itself, leaving a locked gate for authorized access. This would prevent the wrong people from using the tower, but still allow access to the hill. It's sad that it has come to this, because climbing the tower is a highlight for a lot of people.

You're right, seen it since the early 70's. ALL the firetowers I've seen in Florida have a very high chainlink around the base. There are many times I wish I could get a panorama above the tree canopy though. Kind of a bummer. Love the view from APH.


Sep 10, 2008
Hamilton (Mercer County)

I still think the camera is the way to go. It's not like you need them all over. One would be sufficient that could be moved around to different locations. Once word got out of a few arrests I think there would be a huge decrease in this behavior.

Of course the real problem is the State isn't providing sufficient funding to take proper care of any of its Parks or Forest areas let alone police them.