Went fishing in remote areas today


Nov 8, 2004
Near Mt. Misery
What a great day. Caught about 12 pickerel. Holding a rod, and bait bucket in waders and taking a picture is difficult.

this is one of the most remote spots in all the barrens. You may think you have been there but you have probably not. If you have. Don't tell where it is.


and before anybody says anything. No, this is not friendship.

Saw an Osprey. At one point. I was looking out over the water and glanced down to find a massive snapping turtle about 2' away from me just looking at me. I have seen many snapping turtles, this one was huge. within the top 4 biggest I've seen. I was a bit startled, I didn't expect it, and I let out a bit of a gasp, he was gone before I could get off a shot (camera). It was kind of funny, his head was out of the water and when I gasped he seemed to do the same and headed off.

Made a friend

These beavers don't mess around. This retaining wall/dam went on for nearly a 1/4 mile.

After fishing I headed out to one of my favorite areas; the great swamp.

Here is an old corduroy road in the great swamp.


a close up of spikes in the logs of the road.



Aug 11, 2005
Those are terrific pics, Jeff! As the weather was terrific today, I really wanted to get out and do some fishing as well. What tackle do you prefer for the pickerel in The Pines? I really like using ultra light gear with 4lb. test, but pickerel teeth easily slice through that. I think I'm going to try some wire leader, but I don't want to resort to that. A friend of mine uses a 20lb. test monofilament leader tied to 6lb. line. I like that idea, but it could be a bit of a headache while tieing lure after lure... Where you live lining today?


Aug 11, 2005
Oh, and with regards to the snapping turtle... I've always wanted to get a tube and go fishing in that, or use waders. Seeing how curious turtles are in general and how aggresive the snappers are, I've resorted around that. Have you ever had any reason to fear the same thing? I'm just not entirely sure how the snappers will behave with a human around?


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
Very nice Jeff. Those old roads are always interesting to find and travel on.

Thanks for the pics.



Sep 14, 2003
i love live lining kellies or using a big ole bobber for pickles.steel leaders for me are a must. in the warmer weather try using something like a floating # 11 rapala or any stick bait. at least they dont get stuck if you keep them close to the top. dont forget to crimp the barbs for easier catch and release. also with pickerel try not to man handle them. i use a long nose needle pliers and flip the hook upright to de-hook it without touching the fish using its own weight against the hook. also they have a stink to them that once they get on your hands you cant get it off for a day so another reason not to touch. also i remember reading somewhere that you can take there slime coating off of them and cause them harm. just some tips for those who never fished for pickles.


Nov 8, 2004
Near Mt. Misery
Windsor said:
Those are terrific pics, Jeff! As the weather was terrific today, I really wanted to get out and do some fishing as well. What tackle do you prefer for the pickerel in The Pines? I really like using ultra light gear with 4lb. test, but pickerel teeth easily slice through that. I think I'm going to try some wire leader, but I don't want to resort to that. A friend of mine uses a 20lb. test monofilament leader tied to 6lb. line. I like that idea, but it could be a bit of a headache while tieing lure after lure... Where you live lining today?

I use a real light ugly stick and antique Orvis reel. 4lb test line with about a 20lbs leader. I get the leaders with a #4 hood already attached. Eagle claw I think. I primarily use killies for bait. If I use a lure it is usually a plastic worm (a certain type) and I just attach it to the line like live bait. I will sometimes use a rapala in which case I use a swivel.



Nov 8, 2004
Near Mt. Misery
Windsor said:
Oh, and with regards to the snapping turtle... I've always wanted to get a tube and go fishing in that, or use waders. Seeing how curious turtles are in general and how aggresive the snappers are, I've resorted around that. Have you ever had any reason to fear the same thing? I'm just not entirely sure how the snappers will behave with a human around?

I have heard a story about a guy who was out in waders with his stringer attached to his belt, a big snapper came up and went for the fish but took a chunk out of him instead and he nearly bled to death before getting help. I also met an old piney snapper hunter who showed me his two or three missing toes that a snapper bit off. "I got him though and he tasted great" he told me.

Even though I saw his toes, I would take these stories with a grain of salt, piney yarns. In the water they seem much less aggressive than on the land where they are almost always confrontational. I think they are more comfortable in the water and less intimadated by us there. I go out all the time in waders and I don't believe they are intimadated by me at all, but I don't think they want to fight with me either. I have seen them snap at water snakes and bite pickerels in half and I totally believe they take down ducks and muskcrats but honestly, I wouldn't worry about them attacking you in the bogs. Makes for great stories though!!!



Nov 8, 2004
Near Mt. Misery
foofoo said:
dont forget to crimp the barbs for easier catch and release. also with pickerel try not to man handle them. i use a long nose needle pliers and flip the hook upright to de-hook it without touching the fish using its own weight against the hook.

Me too. crimped barbs and needle nose pliers. touching them does hurt them like you said for the reason you said. Good advice!!!!!!!!!!



Feb 24, 2006
Fredericksburg VA
I saw this National Geograghic program once about snapping turtles .There was this old guy up in New York state who has been hunting turtles since the 40's.He said he took like a dozen out of the pond at woodstock right after the concert.I was thinking of all those hippies up there skinny dipping in that pond!