I hear you. I come here a couple times a week looking for new posts as well. I also post some things here once in a while, but my posts get little or no response. I see there are 20 registered users of this board, and I would think there would be a whole lot more. But the most surprising thing is that those people registered themselves as users of this board, but very rarely use it.
I love south Jersey and the pine barrens, and I love talking about it. I love learning about places I've been to and places I have not yet been to. Between the ghost towns and the plant life here, there is MUCH to talk about, especially for those of us who live here.
On Yahoo I have this club (the URL is:
http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/ghosttownsofsouthernnj ), called Ghost Towns of Southern NJ. I've got 120 registered members. The Yahoo clubs consist of a message board, photo galleries, chat room and links list. These clubs are free. I believe only 3 or 4 people have uploaded pictures to the galleries, and there are only maybe 5 or 6 that ever post on the message board. And I founded the club way back in July of 2000! The message board sees almost no action. Even when I try and post interesting topics or questions, I get little or no response. It's beyond me.
I even arranged a trip. Before I set the date, I had about 3 or 4 responses from people who said they would go on a trip IF I HAD ONE. Once I set the date, only one person responded and it was someone who joined only days before and she DID go.
It's very frustrating. I know when the people are online, yet they never participate. I'd say at least 90 to 95 of my members have never once posted on the message board! Not once! Go figure.
Also, like you said, I am a registered user at a few other message boards and Yahoo clubs. Those boards are so busy, you just wouldn't believe it. If you miss a week, it'll take you a half hour to catch up with all the newer posts. Aside from my Yahoo club, this seems to be the only message board for enthusiasts of the NJ pine barrens.