What to do when lost in the woods


Staff member
Site Administrator
Jul 31, 2004
Ben's Branch, Stephen Creek
Thought this was kind of cool. "A thinking man is never lost for long" :)


This is just an excerpt, you can read the full document here: http://ir.library.oregonstate.edu/xmlui/bitstream/handle/1957/12228/WhatWhenLostWoods.pdf

Old Crazy

Oct 13, 2007
Stinking Creek, NJ
Excerpt from the article: "A gun may help as a signal, seldom for game."

That was written in 1946. I envy the freedom of previous generations of Americans. In 1946 you could build a house without having to spend thousands of dollars to have some dumb ass barrier fence erected around the construction site, you could start a business without having to walk through a gauntlet of bureaucratic despots, and if you were a law abiding citizen, you could carry a pistol with you in the woods for your protection. Fire a pistol off in the woods in NJ today to signal for help, and you'll be signaling law enforcement to send you to jail for a mandatory minimum of five years for carrying a handgun without a carry permit.
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