Why The World Sucks Today


Sep 7, 2005
My son Sam had a 2nd grade class trip today to Washington Twp. School
(down here). They were putting on a play. We are in the Waterford Schools. My wife Lynn is a room Mom-Chaperone so is attending. (I am the room mom for my Daughter - 5th grade, it's fun) But not fun today.
Again, the trip was to see a play presented at the school.
Just after 11:00 A.M. Lynn called me with noticable unrest in her voice, and whispering above a din of noise. She remained composed but indicated to me if anything should come about, there was a bomb threat in the school and she was detained in the auditorium while they ushered people out in a safe manner. The parents were asked to keep the kids calm but kids today are not stupid. She asked me to wait on her next call & hung up. She called me a couple minutes ago to say they were on the bus and the last of the Waterford children were getting on busses & detectives were around the building. Of all the blasted days!! They are O.K. now but of course the day was shaken an 8 year old kids fail to understand. They shouldn't have to!!
What sucks???
The fact that at best some mindless idiot should find humor in robbing little kids of a sense of safety and freedom and cause such communal unrest and make parents fell less secure in their children's safety.
What sucks more!!!???
The fact that at worst some some idiot with a mind, a depraved one, would truly put little kids in such peril and take life and freedom away in one horrific stroke. Our kids should not be afraid, or taken from us by such violence.
Now my daughter's grade has a dance tonight in which I chaperone every time. It is a fun way to be a part of her life in these early years.
How good am I supposed to feel now about my wife's & son's feelings and fears this morning? It's just depressing.
Sorry... this just about F'd up my whole day.

My son Sam had a 2nd grade class trip today to Washington Twp. School
(down here). They were putting on a play. We are in the Waterford Schools. My wife Lynn is a room Mom-Chaperone so is attending. (I am the room mom for my Daughter - 5th grade, it's fun) But not fun today.
Again, the trip was to see a play presented at the school.
Just after 11:00 A.M. Lynn called me with noticable unrest in her voice, and whispering above a din of noise. She remained composed but indicated to me if anything should come about, there was a bomb threat in the school and she was detained in the auditorium while they ushered people out in a safe manner. The parents were asked to keep the kids calm but kids today are not stupid. She asked me to wait on her next call & hung up. She called me a couple minutes ago to say they were on the bus and the last of the Waterford children were getting on busses & detectives were around the building. Of all the blasted days!! They are O.K. now but of course the day was shaken an 8 year old kids fail to understand. They shouldn't have to!!
What sucks???
The fact that at best some mindless idiot should find humor in robbing little kids of a sense of safety and freedom and cause such communal unrest and make parents fell less secure in their children's safety.
What sucks more!!!???
The fact that at worst some some idiot with a mind, a depraved one, would truly put little kids in such peril and take life and freedom away in one horrific stroke. Our kids should not be afraid, or taken from us by such violence.
Now my daughter's grade has a dance tonight in which I chaperone every time. It is a fun way to be a part of her life in these early years.
How good am I supposed to feel now about my wife's & son's feelings and fears this morning? It's just depressing.
Sorry... this just about F'd up my whole day.



I am so sorry this happened to your wife and son. It's a sad fact of life, but modern society, for all of its technological advancement, really sucks and the downward slide that began in the 1960s appears to be accelerating. I have few words of comfort to offer you except to say that I am thankful that they are safely out of the building and on their way home. Life has a myriad of ways to remind us about the proper priorites in our lives and just how important our families and friends are to us. The angst and anger you feel now will be washed away this evening with the joy, relief, and love of the hugs and kisses you will give each other tonight! Never, never, ever should we take our loved ones for granted.

With sympatico,
Oct 25, 2006
Everyone's replies echoes my feelings totally,my grandson who is in first grade has going through the experience of one of these sickos,it is not a joke,he is still asking his mother a half a year later,mom is this going to happen again,how long will this experience stay in his mind.The one's who get caught doing this,first should be302'd for psychiatric evaluation then get their just do.

Broke Jeep Joe

Mar 8, 2006
Waterford Twp
I agree with George on this one, it is depressing. My daughter and wife were also at that school and I received a similar call. I find it rediculous that someone may find this type of action funny. What actually scares me is the possibility it was not a joke. We all get that cozy feeling of "it won't happen here" or "not to my family" . These things keep us on our guard and maybe make us all overly cautious, but the way today is we all need to be a little more cautious. It just makes me sick that we need to keep such a tight leash on everything, especially our kids at the time in their lives when they should be being kids! I could go on, but that is my .02.



New Member
Nov 4, 2006
Cell phones during bomb scare

Sorry to hear about that horrible experience...unfortunately the world has grown up faster than young people age...but on one serious note of advice, I work in a school and we tell the students NOT to use a cell phone during a bomb scare because the electrical charge it gives off during a call can actually detonate the bomb remotely. It's true. So you might want to tell loved ones that as much as they want to call, it may not be the safest thing.
We had 80 to 100 bomb scares my junior and senior years of high school (1998-2000). Turned out most of them was a kid trying to get revenge on his mother, who was on the school board. He didn't even stay expelled, they managed to get him back into school.

BUT, I have good news. No school in the history of the United States of America has had an explosion after a bomb scare is called. None. If they are going to bomb a school, they are NOT going to call first.

So relax, it's a pain and can be scary for the kids, but there is really nothing to worry about. Your child has a far, far better chance of dying on the way to school in the car/on the bus than at school.

The only time a school in the USA has been bombed (as far as I know) was in Michigan all the way back in 1927.

The Bath School Disaster Website
The Bath School Disaster by Monty J. Ellsworth (1927) - book. Online.