I went to the Shamong Twp. town meeting last night with one of my friends.
The drainage systems have been finished but they are waiting for quotes to take down 3 larger trees (36" in diameter).
During the time for public comment, there was a woman who lived on Atsion Rd. who made a comment regarding to the placement of the drainage systems, saying that they weren't in the right place where the water was laying.
However, I have never, ever seen any water laying on that road. There are no lakes, wetlands, streams that close to the road (except Atsion Lake which is only right on the road towards 206) and it's obvious that the woods surrounding the road are part of the Pine Barrens (aka sandy, porous, quickly draining medium).
Next, my friend simply asked why they were widening the road. We were told it was to accomodate bicyclists, walkers (have you ever seen a non-hunter walk down that road?), and emergency vehicles trying to get to 206. I ride my bike down that road all the time to get to Goshen, Quakerbridge, Atsion, etc. Though it can be tricky, I don't see a need to make the shoulder ~5 feet in width to accomodate the 1.5 ft. wingspan of a bicycle.
Also, it is being funded by the state (or county? the mayor spoke at a rediculously low volume the entire time) as they had already widened Atsion Rd. on the other side of Oakshade/Jackson Rd. The engineer had argued that they finished the other side of Atsion, so it was a continuation of the project. But there are already houses there, not undeveloped woods like in that one section they are widening.
I still think it's unnessary, especially when they are taking down 3 huge trees, not to mention the countless smaller ones they will be tearing out. That road is one of the few roads left in Shamong (we like to call it, Medford Part II) that still has character. Add in the runoff from construction vehicles right into our aquifers and it seems like a poorly planned project.
I may just be clinging to the yesteryears, but I hate to see continued destruction of the Pine Barrens, no matter how little in the face of mindless and rampant development.
BTW Lynbrook Tavern (the failed bar/restaraunt that replaced the esteemed 'Countryside Inn') on the corner of Indian Mills Rd. and Oakshade Rd, is going to be taken over by the owner's of Medford's 'Riviera Restaraunt.' They had a motion to approve the ABC liquor license documents transfering the rights to them.