WMAs closing areas


Staff member
Site Administrator
Jul 31, 2004
Ben's Branch, Stephen Creek
That's odd, it worked fine for me. Perhaps related to how often you have visited the site? Maybe they require a subscription if you go there often? Or it could be a browser issue, I am using Safari on the Mac and suspect Guy is also.
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Jul 20, 2003
millville nj
yes a broweser issue.Will not open in Firefox but will in Edge.Yep their views are not mine. They close off the land I guess we can quit paying taxes to support anything the wildlife dept does? I notice it will be open in time for hunting season. All I know is it's cool as hell walking through Menantico without seeing anyone.


Feb 20, 2004
Pestletown, N.J.
Starting today, we can all again enjoy the previously closed areas within select WMA's.
Yaaay !

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Zach McGarvey

Feb 11, 2018
Woodbury / Vineland NJ
I kayaked Menantico Ponds this morning. It actually looks like the state used the closure to make a few minor road repairs at the spots that typically get washed out. I was pleasantly surprised with the lack of trash.

Anyone notice if the gate is open to the sandwash in Winslow off the east side of Piney Hollow? Last time I was there it cost me a $267 ticket for driving down the JCRR to access it. That place was among the list of closures.
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Aug 24, 2016
New Germany
I kayaked Menantico Ponds this morning. It actually looks like the state used the closure to make a few minor road repairs at the spots that typically get washed out. I was pleasantly surprised with the lack of trash.

Anyone notice if the gate is open to the sandwash in Winslow off the east side of Piney Hollow? Last time I was there it cost me a $267 ticket for driving down the JCRR to access it. That place was among the list of closures.
It's closed, and walk in only. hopefully it stays that way. This place is out of control with its activity.


Jul 4, 2011
It's closed, and walk in only. hopefully it stays that way. This place is out of control with its activity.

When i used to go down to the Pines in the late 60s and 70s and 80s and even 90s, being NJ, everything was of course against the law, but i rarely saw anyone in there so no one ever bothered me, except once when i walked what i thought was deep into the woods and set up my tent - and a man came over and politely asked what i was doing by his back yard, because i had inadverantly walked near his house (this was not nearly as "exciting" as what happened to me one time in Fahnestock Park in NY!) . But basically nobody was in there. I could hike and camp, backpack for days without seeing a soul, maybe a rare Piney. Same with driving. Canoeing there might be some people on popular lakes and rivers on weekends. The canoe places rented canoes and drove us to the starting point.
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