Yesterday and Today


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
Went looking for Twayblade at one of our usual locations and they are mostly a little late. So we tried a few other locations that during the winter we visited and wanted to stop back and check. Was not finding anything at both locations.

Went though this puddle and water poured in Jessica's boot. She had to throw them away and break out the new pair she bought in preparation for the eventual demise of them.


We had a few finds today. One was the official mixing stick for the Batona Trail paint.


I think this has been there a while. Pieces of it were all around the sandpit as they must have been dragging it around.


We saw on Facebook that Barry Caselli had posted about flooding on Middle Road. So we took that route and it has to be because of beavers. The area there near 206 is all flooded.