You know you're from...


Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
shoobie said:
Found this while surfing around, figured I'd share it...
You know you're from South Jersey when..

Hmmm, as someone from mid-Ocean county, I actually find it offensive to be lumped together as a South Jerseyan with that obvious suburban young to middle-aged white person from the western Burlington County suburbs. Yes, some of his stuff rings true, but a lot of it was added cause he was really reaching for things to say.

No offense meant to my friends Guy and Bear, but I think we need to make a distinction here. That guy don't know the pines and probably spends most of his time treading the concrete from his car to the video store.

Score: :think: ............. :rolleyes:


Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
You know you are partly a piney from South Jersey when:

1.) As a kid your feet became tough as leather from running around barefoot and you could shake off a mean toe-stubbing on a pine root in 2 minutes.

2.) You not only picked blueberries to make money, but you ate them and saved enough to buy a motorcyle from doing it.

3.) You remember with fond memories the dialect and accent of real piney's voice (and miss it).

4.) You learned to swim in cedar water.

5.) You wished someone would make an album of summer cricket and cicada sounds.

6.) You are periodically drawn deep into the pines like a moth to a flame. You find it hard to resist and love the feeling.

7.) Blinding white sand trails make your heart pound.

8.) Your idea of Sport Fishing is a mean battle with a 15" pickeral.

9.) Driving on sand roads is an activity, not a way to get somewhere.

10.) No matter where you go in this World, its great to be back in the Pines.
Hmm, there are alot more high school ones on that list than some of the other "you know you're from South Jersey when" lists. Actually, this one gets bonus points for writing "you're" and not "your"

You know what the song "V-town" is about.

A friend of mine from the Scouts wrote that song. I guess he's famous now :D

My idea of sport fishing is not catching anything. I hate it when fish ruin a good fishing day by biting.