All Unpaved Roads in Stokes State Forest PERMANENTLY CLOSED


Mar 24, 2004
Coastal NJ
And it is no longer a link.

I wonder if they obtained permission from Jeep to use that image ;)
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Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
Has anyone been to Bass River or Lebanon lately? Given the fact that Stokes was closed completely without so much as a whimper from the Superintendent there... Wondering if some of these roads are still open:

The Superintendent at both locations are semi reserved woman especially at Lebanon. I am not sure they want to deal with what Rob has been dealing with. I suspect the state will wait until things quiet down before moving on that front. But one never knows.


Feb 19, 2005
Copperhead Road
Got some unexpected intel a church picnic over the weekend. Another parishioner and I were talking hunting/outdoors related stuff and it turns out he's a forester who currently has a contract to do a timber inventory at Stokes. Apparently one of the major factors which influenced the road closures there was destruction of a different kind:


The last time I drove this road was about a year ago this May:


The beavers created the pond to the left of the roadway and as you can see here in May 2014 it had begun to overtake the road and spill onto the other side. Apparently in a year's time they managed to raise the water level even higher so that the road turned into a river, flowing downhill. The guy I spoke with says his company's trucks are pretty well equipped but that with the gullies running down the center of the road they couldn't risk it-they are currently trying to figure out a solution. It begs the question though why the dams were allowed to be built in the first place given the fact that they were clearly destroying the road. More to come as I learn it.
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Nov 24, 2010
Bass River Township
Has anyone been to Bass River or Lebanon lately? Given the fact that Stokes was closed completely without so much as a whimper from the Superintendent there... Wondering if some of these roads are still open:

Closures at Stokes:

No roads closed at Bass River YET that I'm aware improved conditions on Allen Road either. We fear this closure spree will spread to Bass River..BTW when they close off roads, where are the hiking only folks, supposed to park?
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Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
The article says nothing is going to happen even in Wharton until spring.

The goal is to have an updated draft MAP plan developed by December, which can be fine-tuned over the winter and implemented in the spring.


New Member
Dec 28, 2016
Chester, NJ
I was in Stokes with my two sons about two years back. We were on Struble Road and took it up past the 4H Camp to the lower Tillman's Ravine lot. A convoy of off road vehicles was headed up the hill. We had our progress stopped by this line of off road vehicles that had to be 30 deep and they were all making a right turn into the woods above Tillman (so, into the woods on the Tillman side). Some were really large, and the road was blocked as they each in turn swung wide turns to get onto the trail. We looked at the path these jeeps, etc were turning into and it was little more than a footpath and as they rode they were sinking in a foot of mud, some spinning and struggling immediately. I can tell you that soon after, I noticed that Stokes had closed the trails. Seeing the size of the trucks and the pretty massive number heading into a small trail in that delicate environment made the trail closures predictable. We were not surprised to see the barricades go up. When I say 30 off road vehicles, I am being conservative. There was a veritable convention of them that morning. If the rangers or park management saw this, they would have closed the trails, I think, if for no other reason than to study the phenomenon. Obviously, off roading is hugely popular, but that stress in that environment would have freaked out any ranger who saw it...I am going on memory here, but I think that was the fall of 2014 and the barricades were up by the spring season.